by crossriverwatch admin

There’s no society that can exist without the press as well as a government. In every true society the press and government are needed for her development.
In fact not just these two components are needed by the society for her development but every machinery of the society can and should be harnessed for the development of same. There’s no human who hasn’t a record of negativity or has at some point not made mistakes in his or her actions or utterances.
It is in line with this in mind that I totally condemn the demonization and witch-hunting of Bar Efiok Cobham, the Deputy Governor of Cross River State by CRWATCH in a recent editorial and also by Bar Obono Obla.
What are the duties of citizens for the development of her state? Is it name calling and evil labeling? Any insult or allegations labeled on the Deputy Governor of Cross River State is an allegation and insult not just on our amiable Governor Senator Liyel Imoke but on the good people of Cross River State.
Yes, as a true activist, those who are aware know our stand on issues be-devilling our State and the position we have made on these issues. I condemn in entirety the story of the Deputy Governor’s (Cross River) personal issues which was carried by CRWATCH whether true or untrue.
Since when should a quarrel within a family be made a public affair whether true or untrue?
Is there any family without it own issues? In the name of journalism don’t we have rights to personal dignity?
As much as I condemn the act against our Deputy Governor and is family as well as the insensibilities and embarrassment displayed by CRWATCH and her team towards him and in extension our State, I also cried out for the release of any journalist that was detained beyond the confines of the law when a story relating to him was made.
As though the above embarrassment to the Second Family in Cross River State is not enough yet another distasteful bomb was thrown in the name of freedom of the press and expression.
A publication was made of a private conversation or banter at a birthday whether true or untrue of Agba Jalingo and the Deputy Governor as though that wasn’t enough an editorial was also routed asking a Governor to distance himself from his Deputy from a close associate of CRWATCH.
We must understand that the point our freedom begins and ends, someone else’s own continues. Let’s be watchful the evil and calculated attempts to devalue and defame our Deputy Governor will one day play itself against others. Private issues and banters should be left private and key/relevant issues should be made public.
It is true that we may have experienced some political hard times during His Excellency, Mr Donald Duke’s reign as Governor in Cross River State and I have written about same and the whole world knows that but has anyone or group of persons been convicted?
It is shameful to try to link the seating Deputy Governor of Cross River State to the happenings of that era and for the linking to come from a Barrister not just anyone but from a “learned fellow” is a shame.
Was he, Bar Efiok the commissioner of police then or has any court of competent jurisdiction linked him to any of such matter?
The Bar Efiok Cobham, our Deputy Governor, I know and with evidence is one who is humane, has a stable family life and has been discharging his duties diligently and loyally to his boss-our Governor, Sen Liyel Imoke and the good people of Cross River State.
Everyone who knows, knows that Bar Efiok is humble and a low to earth individual. We are aware of how Deputies have tried to topple their bosses in their absence as well as instigating issues but Efiok in heart and action has been calm since the ordeals of our Governor’s absence.
Whoever is paying CRWATCH to drag the exalted position of the Deputy Governor of Cross River State-Bar Efiok Cobham to the mud should know that the people of Cross River State are learned and observant and cannot be fooled.
As a people we must speak the truth not just for the citizens but for her government, we must speak out against the excesses of any arm of the society. On this issue the CRWATCH editorial and crew have gotten it wrong and must apologize to the State and our Deputy Governor.
We should understand that no individual or corporate organization is above the law, how much more in an offence against the Deputy Governor of the State.
Well, like I said before I will say it again the recent editorial of CRWATCH and post of Bar Obla is totally scandalous, unacceptable, insensitive to the pride of our state, against our sensibilities, stupid, bias, erroneous and calculated to demean and deform the enviable status of our state and her people and as a state based media it should be called to order and must be tutored to handle ‘private’ issues privately.
I seek to ask and I stand to be proved wrong, will the CRWATCH carry this publication I have made now in the spirit of fairness?
I have inkling to the undertone of the witch-hunting of the Deputy Governor-Bar Efiok. What do there stand to gain in the long run?
Can common sense not make it clear to Bar Obla and CRWATCH that a slap on the Deputy Governor is a slap on our Governor and the good people of Cross River State?
If the incident reported by Agba Jalingo in the said birthday happened to a different individual and was reported to them to be carried by them, will they carry it?
We have boundaries let us respect them, every man has his flaws and personal challenges and right to personal dignity…the case of the CRWATCH and the Deputy Governor of Cross River State is a case of witch-hunting and must be brought to an end before….some news are fake and we must look deeply to decipher the truth behind them.
Michael Nku Abuo, is a public analyst and an activist.
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