Empowerment is not the occasional display of items to party men and women to collect, but the full engagement with programs that have the potentials to transform lives and foster new circumstances.
Three(3) years of qualitative representation and meaningful Job Empowerment to job seekers in my Constituency with University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, UCTH, Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria FRCN, Nigerian Police Force, Psychiatric Hospital, Canaan City FM, National Assembly, NOSREA, Akim Enterprise Center, Zero To Six School, Brick rite, Agriculture Business Farms and Park, FIRRO, National Planning Commission, Civil Defense, College of Education Akamkpa, And Technical Aid Corps.
Wealth is being created through grants and access to credit. Provision of Four (4) Taxis, Ongoing Empowerment of 21 Cooperatives Working in Fisheries, Piggery, Plantain/banana, Poultry, Rice, Flower Growing and Horticulture.
100 Sewing Machines and 60 Grinders offered to women in all the wards. 40 open stalls and 10 closed Up shops behind Akim markets for trading.
Dear Constituents, be aware that a mandate is only as strong as its bearer. As your representative, I have taken your call to serve beyond the Shores of Nigeria, bringing attention to the immediate and future development of Calabar Municipality and Odukpani Federal Constituency.
Many individual and collective requests have been met but some are yet to be actualized.
I am bold to say, I remain positive that the goals that have not been met in the first three (3) years will be looked into before the expiration of this first term of 4 years.
Our ability to act is beholden to what happens in many Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) of government and we depend on their collaboration and willingness to implement to succeed.
For most of what we have done, this is the first step… We are building the infrastructure required to take off, we remain committed in the next time (God willing) to establish each project fully, ensure they work properly and build into them sustainability measures while converting them to wealth for our teaming supporters.
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