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Happy Birthday Governor Ayade, But…BY AGBA JALINGO

By CrossRiverWatch Admin

Oga sir, Twale for you. Enough respect. Enjoy sir. You deserve it. You are our governor. Digital one for that matter. Crank the glasses and pop the pops.

You know why, the people that say they want to remove you from office are some of the most unserious I have seen in recent times in politics.

They don’t want to stop fighting themselves talk less of fighting another person.

From what I am seeing, they are so divided that by the time they will even realize the need to sit down and settle, you would have finished your second term.

Some of them will also have returned to join you in your fold so you can put food on their tables.

I am very honestly not satisfied with your performance yet sir, and I earnestly wish I could see an epic contest with you in your quest to return, but the outlook is very pale.

A more strenuous contest with you will sincerely be in the greater interest of Cross River state. It will provide the needed dynamism to accelerate participation but that is just a wish for now.

So why won’t you enjoy your birthday sir?

I join the many who wish you well to pray for God’s wisdom to do the work.

My one complain sir, where I continue to disagree with you is the ridiculous level to which we have taken government appointment to.

It has become not only laughable sir, but also sickening.

I agree completely with my oga that people need “food on their tables.” But I disagree largely with the “Ayadeisian theory of expanded government.”

I repeat again for the umpteenth time that my governor can start a social security scheme like SURE-P or Npower and put food on people’s tables with any amount he desires.

We should stop calling people SA and PA or DG or members of non existing boards and some ridiculous committees, populated by known criminals and outlaws. It is not speaking well of the government.

Pray! what is the meaning of Cable Car Management Committee when the cable car at the ranch stopped working since 2014?

What is Public Opinion Management? What is their work? The committee has eight appointees…

What is social media control committee? What exactly do they want to control? What is their work?

Is the governor himself aware of these inanities or is it just his Chief of Staff and SSG that are foisting this odious stench on us?

Are government appointees not supposed to go through security screening anymore?

Are they no longer expected to be fit both in qualification, character and reputation?

Is a government title or appointment the only way to put food on someone’s table?

These are the issues that have been pulsating beneath my nerves this morning, tormenting the carapace of my mind, beseeching an orifice to escape.

These two are my sincere birthday wishes for my governor.

Firstly, to enjoy this day to the fullest and secondly to ponder on an alternative route to “food on the table”.

I pray for you, just like I do every day for the President, to succeed so that life will be better, even for me too.

Happy birthday sir.

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