Breaking News Health National News Reports

50 Health Sector Exploits Of Ayade BY NAKANDA IYADIM

Cross River Governor, Senator Ben Ayade (L) and his wife, Dr. Linda Ayade (R) flash their AyadeCare card shortly after enrolling into the State Health Insurance Scheme at the launch of the scheme during an event to mark the 2018 children's day celebration at the U.J Esuene stadium in Calabar. 28/5/2018 GHC/Dan Williams

By CrossRiverWatch Admin

Cross River State governor, Prof. Ben Ayade has led the state to receive several awards at the international and national levels as the Best Performing state in health.

The recent World Bank award was in recognition of the effort of the State Government in combating diseases and health challenges in the state across board.

Cross River State is today unarguably the best State in the South-South region with the track record of breaking new grounds and reaching new heights with the shrewdness and innovativeness of the highly competent workforce manning the health sector.

Here are Ayade’s (50) Health exploits:

1 √Creation of Cross River State Primary Healthcare Development Agency.

2√Creation of Climate change Department in the Cross River State Ministry of Health.

3√Establishment of Cross River State Public Hospital Management Board.

3√Revision of Cross River State Strategic Health Development Plan.

4√Establishment of General Hospital Bekwara through Public Private Partnership (PPP).

5√Establishment of General Hospital Obudu through PPP.

6√Establishment of Clinical Governance and e-health in all the secondary health facilities in the state and focal persons appointed Protecting patients right whilst supporting who practice it.

7√Repairs of Ambulances and other serviceable vehicles that have been in a state of disrepair for years (Refurbishment of dilapidated vehicles.

8√Successful celebration of world Health, HIV Day, Malaria amongst others.

9√Renovation of 196 PHC facilities and equipment of medical equipment, solar power refrigerators and motorized boreholes example, Enegheje PHC, Ikom CHC, Calabar south, etc….

10√Activities for the establishment of Calabar specialist Hospital in progress.

11√Establishment of Cross River State Public /Private Hospital .

12√Accreditation of General Hospital Calabar for House man ship training.

13√Continuous Training of House officers.

14√Availability of additional hostel for all medical officers- Dilapidated 16 Room hostel block at 7 Esighi Street Calabar renovated to provide accommodation for doctors on house man ship at General hospital Calabar.

15√Upgrading of three clinical laboratories in General Hospital,Calabar, Dr Lawrence Memorial Hospital Calabar and St Joseph Hospital, ikot Ene with Automated equipment in line with NBTE standard.

16√Functional haemodialysis unit in General hospital, Calabar .

17√Activation of Endoscopy unit at General hospital, Calabar.

18√Provision of Functional X-ray equipment in four state General hospital, (Ukem) odukpani, Calabar, ugep and ogoja.

19√Free health care to pregnant women and children under five years.

20√Establishment and passage of enabling law by the state house Assembly for the implementation of Cross River State NHIS in collaboration with Health financing and Governance.

21√Functional eye care hospital at college of Health Technology and General hospital Calabar where number of surgeries performed increasing from 5, 223 in 2014 to 29,192 in 2017 representing 458.42% increment.

22√Functional multi drugs resistance Tuberculosis treatment unit second to one in South Africa at Dr Lawrence Henshaw Memorial Hospital, Calabar.

23√Inauguration of TB/HIV Technical Working Group.

24√Inauguration of the NTD Technical Advisory committee.

25√Zero morbidity from Guinea worm infection.

26√Establishment of Response Team for the lasser fever.

27√Establishment perinatal Diseases Surveillance Response.

28√Engagement of 15 private sector Community pharmacists in collaboration with HU – PAC to provide pharmaceutical services in HIV /AIDS management and tuberculosis care.

29√Registration of 700 patent medicine vendors and 53 pharmacists Council of Nigeria representing 75% increase.

30√Collaboration with Tourism bureau to aid licencing of hospitality establishment.

31√Procurement of drugs centrally through the Cross River State Essential Drugs Programme for all public health institutions in the state.

32√Full accreditation for the Six schools of midwifery and schools of Nursing in the state.

33√Award of scholarship to Nurse Tutors in Training Institutions for the regain of Accreditations

34√Implementation of Task shifting /sharing policy by training 50 Nurses and midwives in the 10 pilot LGAS of the State on treatment of both pre eclampsia and eclampsia as well as training 50 Nurses and midwives and 50 CHEWS /CHO on new born care.

35√Establishment of Human Resource for Health unit in PRS State Ministry of Health.

36√Bridging the missing gap between partners, Donors and NGOs in health.

37√Development of ward/community Committees across the State.

38√Donation of lands for building of Health facilities across the LGAs under World Bank Assisted Community and social development programme.

39√Commissioning of VVF centre at calabar and renovation of VVF Centre at Calabar and ogoja with repairs and reintegration of over 300 Fistula patients across the State.

40√Leading fight against NTDs towards the 2020 elimination where the State Governor made a presentation at the NTDs forum in Geneva, Switzerland with nomination of Dr Inyang Asibong, CRS Commissioner for Health as a member of the WHO International Working Group on Investment for Impact.

41√The only state in the south South to win the bid for the MTNF support project. This follow the renovation and handover of the post natal ward of three general hospitals – Calabar, ugep and ogoja.

42√Establishment of youth and adolescents friendly centres as well as rape and drugs enlightenment centre in General Hospital, Calabar.

43√Partnership with the Mediatrix Development foundation (MDF) HE Dr Linda Ayade pet project, Nigerian army , Nigerian Army wives Association, Medical Women Association of Nigeria (MWAN), CRS Chapter, professional bodies and organisations, Lions Club, Rotary club and other partners and NGOs to carry medical outreaches, treatment and humanitarian services.

44√Lifting of the employment ban in the state health sector.

45√Beefing up boarders security in collaboration with the WHO to curb disease migration and influx.

46√Inauguration of the CalaPharm board and the official start off of the CalaPharm project.

47√ Launching of Public Health Emergency Operations Centre, first in the Southern State of Nigeria and 4th in the country / Donation of Vehicles to tackle outbreaks.

48√ Guided Obanliku LGA to becoming the first LGA in west Africa to be certified open Defection free.

49√Guided Calabar Municipal to becoming first city in the world close to achieving 90:90:90 HIV /AID target.

50√ Guiding the State to emerging State with best child survival indices in the country in a survey carried out by UNICEF.

The State has won awards from WHO , Federal Government, This day Newpaper, Independent Newpaper, Cross River watch among others as the best performing state on Key Maternal newborn and child health indicators.

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