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The Many Transgressions Of Senator Ben Ayade Against The Judiciary In Cross River State BY ENOME AMATEY

1. Unilaterally dissolved the Judicial Service Commission without due process.

2. Set up a kangaroo Judicial Service Commission without due process on 27/11/2019.

3. For selfish reasons, refused to swear in Judges appointed by the NJC for over 3 months.

4. Refused to provide vehicles for the appointed Judges for 19 months and counting.

5. Left the Judiciary without a Head (acting or substantive) for 48 days.

6. Left the Judiciary without a substantive Chief Judge for 13 months and counting in spite of the express recommendation of the National Judicial Council.

7. Caused the Judiciary to have three different and successive Acting Chief Judges, with no end in sight.

8. Refused to pay Magistrates engaged by his administration for 24 months and counting.

9. Totally neglected the infrastructure in the Judiciary for the entire duration of his administration.

10. Negating the doctrines of independence of the judiciary and separation of powers by persistently meddling in the affairs of the Judiciary in Cross River State.

P.S.: The tenure of the current Acting Chief Judge lapses in 5 days and there is still no clear picture as to the direction the Judiciary is going. Acting Chief Judge No. 4?

The man is clearly on a mission to destroy the Judiciary in Cross River State. But Cross Riverians are not ready to have this conversation yet.

Enome Amatey is a Cross Riverian and a lawyer who writes from Calabar.

NB: Opinions expressed in this article are solely attributable to the author, Enome Amatey and do not in anyway represent the opinion of CrossRiverWatch or any other organization the author works for/with.

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