By mid November, it will be one year, since “the face of Obudu Ranch” took the final bow out of planet earth. And no one seemed to have heard.
Born approximately about a hundred and nineteen years ago in 1897, as guessed by close family sources, OBOH, AUGUSTINE USHAGA grew to become one of the oldest living beings at the Obudu Ranch Resort. He was an enigma and a sage.
His peculiar dread-locked, white hair and bushy silver beards stood him out in the crowd. In fact, he was a striking spectacle to many first-time visitors to the Resort.
Fondly known and addressed as “MOUNTAIN MAN”, a sobriquet made popular by former governor Donald Duke, he was a great delight to be with. He never shied away from a conversation, as he was a sort of a moving encyclopedia of the history of the Becheve mountain people of the Ranch.
He was depicted some years back on a DSTV advert of the Ranch as “Face of Obudu Ranch”. That was when Protea Hotels ran the Resort.
Unfortunately, he passed on, virtually un-announced and un-sung on 9th Nov 2015. He was interred two days later.
That, not withstanding, MOUNTAIN MAN is already being missed by all who knew him.
This is hoping that some day, some one in Authority, or any kind-hearted individual or group, for that matter, will find it fit to mount his bust at any conspicuous space on the Ranch as a befitting memorial.
May the good Lord grant his soul eternal repose. Adieu “Face of Obudu Ranch”. RIP!
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