Breaking News Opinion

Do We Vote For Development Or For Palliatives… BY AGBA JALINGO

Let me start by defining what palliative is. “A medicine or form of medical care that relieves symptoms without dealing with the cause of the condition.” If you are 30 years today, and politically active, and commenting on social media, that means in 1999, when democracy returned to Nigeria and when Nigeria adopted the Constitution

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Breaking News Opinion

Entangling The Nightingale…  BY AGBA JALINGO

The nightingale is a small migratory songbird with a rich repertoire of songs. Found in the forests and shrublands of Europe and parts of Asia for most of the year, they usually migrate to Africa for the winter, flying at speeds up to 18 mph. The Nightingale is famous across the world for singing at

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Breaking News Opinion

Ruminations… BY AGBA JALINGO

Does someone here know God? The journalist who collects money to write untruth, knows God. The judge who collects bribes to give false judgements, knows God. The Police who collect bribes to oppress those he is supposed to protect, knows God. The security chief who misappropriates security funds for personal gains, knows God. The medical

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Breaking News Opinion


I had thought I would never turn out to be anything in life because I was told so, but my God proved everyone wrong. I have been locked up in Police stations more than 50 times, in all, my God came through. I have been incarcerated in five different prisons by both the government and

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Breaking News Opinion

One Day, Someday…. BY AGBA JALINGO

No matter how you love and protect her, if you like use the Rottweiler or even satellites to monitor her and ensure a man doesn’t come near that your little daughter or touch her, a day is coming when you, by yourself, will either be glad a man came to take her away or when

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Breaking News Opinion

How Utsu Became A King… BY AGBA JALINGO

Warning: Long read! Once upon a time, an only child christened, Utsu, was born to young parents in a small countryside village that did not have too many residents. It was a viable, closely knitted, waterside community where everyone knew everyone. Utsu, was born like every other happy child to happy parents that celebrated his

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Breaking News Opinion

Sunday Musings: Are Tattoos In The Bible? BY AGBA JALINGO

One of my younger friends who was with me yesterday at home, asked a question about tattoos. He wears tattoos and he is a church instrumentalist. He is smart and very good with multiple instruments. He said he is always uncomfortable about the remarks he gets about his tattoos in Church and was asking me

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Breaking News Opinion

Betta Edu: Jungle Justice And Where Is Her Father And Mentor President Tinubu BY FIRST BABA ISA

A few days ago I wrote an article entitled “Betta Edu; the Continuity of the President’s Courage”. Where I stated that inter alia, there must be continuity in the President’s courage. It takes courage to suspend your minister, it takes courage to investigate her, it takes courage to declare what the investigation has found with

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