Breaking News Opinion

Don’t Be Like Him… BY AGBA JALINGO

Inside Afokang Prison in Calabar, the place I spent my time the most was in the welfare department where we make phone calls, receive counseling and where the prison library is. I was always borrowing their books. I had a favorite counselor, Madam Nancy. A wonderful Ikom woman that was so kind and generous to

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Breaking News Civic Space Opinion

Have We Lost Our Community? BY AGBA JALINGO

How did our cousins, nieces, nephews, aunties, and friends, who used to visit us without notice when there was no phone or mail, and elicit so much joy, become witches and burdens, that must now call to inform us before coming? How did family and marital disputes that used to be resolved by close family

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Breaking News Opinion

In Memoriam – Tikare Akan: Three Years And Counting BY CHRISTIAN ULEM

Dear Tikare Akan Today I remembered you as a great person, whose memory will accompany me forever, through love, friendship and the moments we had the opportunity to share together. In the tapestry of life, there are threads woven with brilliance, kindness, and innovation. Among them, shines the radiant presence of TK, a beacon of

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Breaking News Health Opinion

Why Are You Unhappy? BY AGBA JALNGO

When you watch a movie that makes you cry, or watch a game that makes you excited or moody, or sight an enemy that causes you anxiety and a faster heartbeat, or perceive a smell that makes you cover your nose, or hear a sound that makes you cringe or exclaim, or remember a thought

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Breaking News Opinion

Wetin Our Roundabouts Do Na? BY AGBA JALINGO

After the demolition of the vaults at the Eleven-Eleven roundabout in Calabar, Cross River State, which was named after the Armistice Day when World War I (1914-1918) ended at the 11th hour on the morning of the 11th day in the 11th month of 1918, and replacing same with a statue of the Holy Bible,

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Breaking News Opinion Politics

Weaponization Of Poverty… BY AGBA JALINGO

Once, I attended an ANPP campaign event in Maiduguri as a journalist and was privileged to be in the Governor’s convoy. The Governor then was ANPP. He was in company of a former National Chairman of the party, who was also from the North. (I want to withhold their names). While the governor’s convoy was

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Breaking News Opinion

Do We Vote For Development Or For Palliatives… BY AGBA JALINGO

Let me start by defining what palliative is. “A medicine or form of medical care that relieves symptoms without dealing with the cause of the condition.” If you are 30 years today, and politically active, and commenting on social media, that means in 1999, when democracy returned to Nigeria and when Nigeria adopted the Constitution

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Breaking News Opinion

Entangling The Nightingale…  BY AGBA JALINGO

The nightingale is a small migratory songbird with a rich repertoire of songs. Found in the forests and shrublands of Europe and parts of Asia for most of the year, they usually migrate to Africa for the winter, flying at speeds up to 18 mph. The Nightingale is famous across the world for singing at

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