Breaking News Opinion Politics

Ayade Vs The People; The Other Narrative BY EYO EKPO

By CrossRiverWatch Admin Short Memories Many citizens and well wishers including myself are appalled by the events that are unfolding at such a quick pace in a state once celebrated as a beacon of stability. Personally, I have followed the local politics since my one-year stint as a Youth Corper, and can claim with certain

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Breaking News Education Opinion

Developing Northern Cross River State Through Education And Health Sector BY PETER OGAR IKIBUNIM

By CrossRiverWatch Admin His Excellency Sir. I am moved to write you this open letter to express my desires and the desires of many Cross Riverians as it pertains to bringing development to Northern Cross River State. There’s a remarkable yearn for a more practical approach towards the development of the state. My initial intentions

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Breaking News Crime Opinion Politics

Ukelle Nation In The Eyes Of The World BY IGWE AUSTIN KENOR-OLOM

By CrossRiverWatch Admin Going by recent developments in our dear land, Ukelle Nation, it is quite easy to develop any impression about the people. While some may be scintillating, others may be coloured with some skirmishes of negativity. But,whichever way one impresses oneself about Ukelle Nation, the people’s identity would not change from the wonderful

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Breaking News Columnists Opinion Politics

Nay! You Are Wrong Mr. Speaker BY DARLINGTON EDEM

By CrossRiverWatch Admin I am particularly impressed with the good job my kind and intelligent brother and friend Mr. Agba Jalingo is doing. So, when I got his invitation to attend ‘The Dialogue with Agba Jalingo , even against myriad of issues that demanded my attention I was determined to steal some hours to attend

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Breaking News Columnists Opinion Politics

RIGHT OF REPLY: Ayade’s Aide Fires Back At Pa Philemon Ugbeche

By CrossRiverWatch Admin Re: Ayade and Hosea 8:7, Being a rejoinder to Philemon Ugbeche’s article. Titus 2:2 Older men are to be sober-minded, dignified, self-controlled, sound in faith, in love, and in steadfastness. Job 32:9 It is not the old who are wise, nor the aged who understand what is right. Why you? How do

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Breaking News Columnists National News Opinion Politics

I Am Not Against Murder, Kidnapping etc. BY EDEM DARLINGTON

By CrossRiverWatch Admin A house that is filled with deformed children is very tasking catering for. You may never know what exactly is making them shout, cry or laugh. Even their laughter could be suspicious. I shuddered in utter disbelief as I paced up and down, my heart beating faster than usual. Still in deep

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Breaking News Columnists National News Opinion Politics

Jedy Agba: Antidote To Elites Hegemony In Cross River Politics

By CrossRiverWatch Admin The current United States Of America President, Donald Trump didn’t win the 2016 elections realistically because he had better programs and plans for the people than the Democrat Candidate, Hillary Clinton but majorly because he was the bridge between the masses and the elites hegemony in American politics. Despite the fact that

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Akwa-Cross Entertainment Columnists Opinion Politics

Ayadeism: Ethics Of ‘Mama Put’ And Insecurity BY INYALI PETER

When Cross River Governor, Senator Ben Ayade assumed office about twenty three months ago, most Cross Riverians had expected that his 2015 elections mantra, “Politics with Ethics” would translate to his administrative mantra positively. A lot was said about his pattern of politics which he promised would be built around solid political ethics. Although, Ayade

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