WAEC Seize Cross River 2014 Result Over N300million Accumulated Debt
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WAEC Seize Cross River 2014 Result Over N300million Accumulated Debt

Sylvia Eta


All is not well presently with the education sector in Cross River State as the West African Examination Council, WAEC is yet to release the May/June 2014 result of all public secondary schools in the state to the State Ministry of Education.

Investigation by CrossRiverWatch revealed that the state government payment of WAEC fees for indigent students in public secondary schools ‎in the state ran into hitches from 2013 but the examination body released the 2013 result on special recognition with a proviso not to release this year’s result should the state default.

Further checks also revealed that the amount owed by the state government was in excess of N300million for 2013 and 2014 WAEC examination fees which the state has been paying since 2008.

CrossRiverWatch had recently reported that Cross River State is broke due to inability of government to pay staff and political office holders imprest now for four months.

Different projects of the government are also suffering due to lack of funds.

A top government official who did not want his name mentioned due to the sensitive nature of the matter said: “The state owes WAEC that is why our children who did the exam in public schools are yet to collect their result.

“I gathered that the WAEC management insists that if the government doesn’t pay it will not release the result because that of 2013 is still pending.

“Cross River State Government as part of its educational development policy pays WAEC examination fees for all the indigent students since 2008.”

CrossRiverWatch checks at WAEC office along the Highway in Calabar also confirmed the debt. A senior staff of the Council who also did not want to be named because he is not authorized to speak on the matter told our reporter that: “Cross River State results are ready like results for all other states of the federation. It is true that the Council has not released the results for Cross River because of accumulated debts in excess of N300million. We cannot release the result until the monies are paid. The state defaulted last year with a promise to pay and up till now, they have not paid for last year.

“So we cannot allow any further accumulation of the money and withholding these results is the best option for us to get our payment. But I must assure you that discussions are ongoing with the relevant authorities to see how we get over the impasse because we also understand the anxiety this may be creating for the young students.”

Several calls to the State Commissioner for Education, Prof. Offiong Offiong were not taken and a text message seeking clarification on the matter was also not responded to at the time of filing this report.

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    • 10 years ago

    This is unfair of crs government. Some students might have gotten admission with no waec result to complete registration processes. Pls the govt. Should rectify this asap

    • 10 years ago

    Pls cross river government you people ssue try and ratify this issue same of us all are trying to enrol in 2014/2015 jamb but since they is waec we cannot so may una try for furture plan

    • 10 years ago

    Earnestly, it is a sad news over this WAEC not being release for the young student(s) in Cross River State, especially those seeking for admission into the higher institution. Should i say our government(s) are not capable or what? Yes! there are not capable to manage our state. We need a change of government(s) in Cross River State. Please WAEC, have mercy over the young student(s) who might need their result for one purpose or the other, just release the result to enable our young talented student(s) forward their education. Thank you Sir/Ma.

    • 10 years ago

    It is with deep regrets I came from Cross River State, after that God has so blessed the state among other states, but seems we not existing in Nigeria.
    Quite setting, I wrote my WAEC in the year 2005, which after it was said, the 2005 WAEC result was withheld in Cross River State but released in other states of the federation according to my findings, and I have to revisit the secondary school after Five (5) years for another seating because of lack of fund, imagined the time I have wasted in my life to get only WAEC. I say to the state Educational officers and even the (GOVERNOR) who would have looked back from his past to compare the present, why (DEMORALIZED) the young people of Cross River State.
    During my research on the internet know what is really happening in Cross River State, I came across this page which after reading through I became ashamed to prove myself a crosiverian.
    My Word: If God could make Liyel Imoke the GOVERNOR of cross river state, i have hope that I will serve my generation without passing through the academic system in Cross River.

    • 10 years ago

    the government should knw dat in every thing we are doing they is God ooooooooooooooooh .plz waec have mercy upon us the victim and reales owe result plz plz plz plz i am beging .as u do so may u never lack any thing in life . hav mercy plz

    • 10 years ago

    Since this time cross river state have not ractify this debt of a thing that waec no what release our young talated student he are ready to enter in a high institution.you people are trying so that we say we dont have leader and of case we dont leader if to say we have this will not have being like this.may una just try for the young once pls

    • 10 years ago

    So many times i think of establishing in my state (Cross River) but when i think of the backwardness in cross river especially on the side of Education i call on God to make me survive any were i find myself.

    Young boys & girls of cross river, don’t give up in God even though they is no hope of tomorrow on the government of cross river. Above all, don’t be aggressive to this kind of discouraging situation believe in God and also in yourself knowing that power can change hand. Will you rule well if you are opportune to rule, join me to say that (CROSS RIVER STATE WILL BE A BETTER PLACE SOME DAY)contribute to this challenge by just praying that WAEC will see reasons to help the young ones so that cross river state will become a better and conducive place for Nigerian.

    • 10 years ago

    I don’t know why you guys should be surprised about what is happening concerning seizure of waec public schools results by waec board in cross river state. A man that was in posed on the people of cross river state by president obasanjo. Even when he was involved in embezzlement of billions of naira as a minister of power.

    • 10 years ago

    I pray 2 god mak day relist ham o

    • 10 years ago

    I wonder why the nigeria media didn’t see anything bad to write about state government failure to pay waec board for exam fees since waec released may / june 2014 result. Which have make it impossible for Public schools in cross river state to access their result up till now. Rather, they are busy writing about Rotimi Ameichi and Goodluck Jonathan 2015. What a shame?

    • 10 years ago

    We the young boys nd grils of C.R.S are crying 4 our result ever day but our wicket governor since to pay deaf ears to our cry. we redister our waec but we dont hav the result due to bad leader nd nigeria as a hold dit not whent to consion him. IMOKE is a bad leader.. He use our money 4 his family. Pls the president should help, becos if i frustrate i we form another boko haram nd the whold country will suffer it. Mr president help or get ready to killed us. Becos we will be more than boko haram. Do something or something we do this country . To my follow nigerians If u lov ur life or the life of ur people , help us nd beg the wicket imoke and our best president goodluck. Do something be is too late tanx. But dnt said i dit nt warn you.and remenber prevention is beter than quire

    • 10 years ago

    I was keeping queit with the hope that the challenge will resolve in no less time but to my greatest surprise it is still lingering. I understand the linear resources the goverment can boost of for now but i appeal to the goverment to resolve the challenge because it is embarasing for one to write an exam and at the end no result. We the youths are not happy for the sad development.

    • 10 years ago

    its really been hard on the students of cross river state who registered and sat for the waec exams only not to get their results its nothing good to write home abt, I plead ,seriousely pleading cause its affecting me nt just that but so many young ones are already havin a negative mindset abt c.r.s government please do somthin

    • 10 years ago

    It is quite unfortnate 4 me and my frndz here in cross river, because i kw hw hard we fight 2 write dis waec and at d end of it, al we get is disappointment and disgrace from students in the private schools insultin us due 2 our incapacitated government of payin off d debt they are owin waec…….i rili tank my God dat am nt 4rm here bcuz no mata hw low enugu’s economy is, our goverment can not put us 2 shame. as 4 imoke, let him have it in mind dat he is goin 2 suffer 4 dis unless he repent of his evil wayz and make amend b4 his children suffers wot i call ( SINS OF THE FATHER). 2 my president, i wont say u av done anytin 4 me nd i am nt askin u 2 but if u really care 2 do sumtin as d head juz mak dem release our result nd we wil b most greatful. finally we al should av in mind that there is God ooooooo

    • 10 years ago

    It is quite unfortnate for me and my friends here in cross river, because i know how hard we fight 2 write this waec and at the end of it, all we get is disappointment and disgrace from students in the private schools insultin us due to our incapacitated government of payin off the debt they are owin waec…….i really thank my God that am not from here because no matter hw low enugu’s economy is, our goverment can not put us 2 shame. as for imoke, let him have it in mind that he is goin to suffer for this unless he repent of his evil ways and make amend before his children suffers what i call ( SINS OF THE FATHERS). To my president, i wont say you have done anything for me and i am nt askin u to, but if you really care to do something as d head, just make them release our result and we wil be most greatful. finally we all should have in mind that there is God ooooooo

    • 10 years ago

    Oh my God how long shal dis thing last d leaders of our state .we are crying every day just bcos of we wrote an exams dat even d three terms skul fees i know how my parent suffer b4 they got d mony 4 me 2 paid.please our govt.our emirable governor do some thing b4 d young ones would do wat they do nt expect 2 do,some of us were not even capable 2 register 4 neco exams we only wrote waec with d hope dat d result wu b out soon,ever since may 14 dat we finish d exams we have been crying just bcos our govt are owing d waec board it z a big disgrace 4 our state 2 be annouce as d poorest state in our country,u pple beta ask 4 assistant 4rm d federal govt b4 d future leaders of our state wu die of B.P,sm of us we have provisional addimission bt wer z d waec result no wer 2 b fund.governor imoke u beta sale sm of our goods in der 2 pay d waec board b4 d year run of,and remember der z God ooo he seeth every thing dat z happening oo

    • 10 years ago

    How long shall we continue crying for our future?

    • 10 years ago

    Imoke, I know that u will never understand why my God is still keeping me alive, and u don’t know where I was surpose to be by now. Please never u allow me to pronounced that UR CHILDREN SHALL SUFFER THAT WHICH U HAVE CAUSED FOR STUDENT IN THE STATE

    • 10 years ago

    imoke, God will never stop purnishing u, as long as u continue sitting down an watch the waec holding our result.

    • 10 years ago

    imoke, God will never stop purnishing u, as long as u continue sitting down an watch the waec holding our result. Says CALLY-BOY

    • 10 years ago

    Wit d witheldinq of our results hw can d younq ‘COMRADES’ of dz state eva 4qiv dz ‘CORRUTED-CABALS’?…
    I’d neva ask God 2 purnish dem cz He’s nt a purnisher rather God shud ‘BRAIN-WASH’ n ‘CLEANSE’ deir ‘BLACK-CORRUTED-HEART’ inorder 4 we 2 achieve our ‘FUTURE-GOALS’…
    Bt if dey refuse our ‘plea’ let our God sendforth a ‘PLAGUE’ upon deir ‘HOUSEHOLD’ lyk He did 2 ‘PHAROAH’..
    God is a ‘MYSTERIOUS-BEING’,I do believe even witout d payinq of d ‘ACCUMULATED-DEBT’ our ‘WAEC’ can stil b ‘RELEASED-BY-FAITH’…By Ibu Godspower Francis(Ex-Assistant Punctuality Prefect,Government Science School Ishibori,Oqoja L.G.A)

    • 10 years ago

    Imoke nd effionf y ar u doing dz 2 d future leadas of cross river state ….pls pay ds dsebt becuz dat mony z a chicken chang 4 u pple pls help us.. By starbility(mosso chapel prefect)

    • 10 years ago

    please what ever is supppse to b done should be done bcs i hv being given adm is jst my waec result that is left am pleading…..

    • 10 years ago

    This delay is because their children are in london schooling this were things that gave then inpetus to monopolize and embezlles funds kept for educational activities. They should pay the money. God punish wicked leaders and their generation

    • 10 years ago

    Pls cross state government do something about the waec results of 2014 for God seek that is the only hope i have to further my education pls do something in the name God.

    • 10 years ago

    pls u ppl should help and release our result oo

    • 10 years ago

    If d govt. Dont pay attention 2 our plea how do dy expect us 2 b d leaderz of 2moro especially when dy r nad giving us hope 4 d future.d main reason y dis is happening is bcoz thier children r studying abroad dat y dy dont feel d pain.so plz dy should help us

    • 10 years ago

    D govt. Should never make us feel as if d r nad responsible if dy dont help us den dy 1nt us 2 b wayward nd if diz continues i bet dat senior students who r up 2 18 will nad vote nd dm will b WARE

    • 10 years ago

    It is not the governor alone who have inflicted pains on the future leaders;rather it is the cause of the failure of governmet.the scholars of cross river state are in states of anomy.it wil be lugubrious, it wil sado nic and a state of mass illiteracy if the government dnt rise and fix copa bility where copability is.senator Dr.liyel imoke we have seen your effort and we realy appreciate it bt put in more effort we need 2 go to skul.@ugep first son

      • 10 years ago


      CALL MR KUNLE TODAY +2348060933128

    • 10 years ago

    the failure of is the talk of the dae in C.R.S because political leaders squanders our funds and get rich over night.the money owed by the government is what jst one person can because it is nt compared 2 what they get at each seating.it wil be lugubrious,sadonic.abismal if d government fold their and watch c.r.s scholars live in pleanted luxery and progranted solidity.senator Dr.liyel imoke we hav al seen ur effort bt u need 2 put in more effort so that the memoranda of this case wil undergo demilishing returns.WE NEED TO GO TO SCHOO.@ugep 1st son .community recondary school ugep asst.senior prefect{emeritus}

    • 10 years ago


      • 10 years ago

      I want to testify of the great help that was render to me by Mr kunle one of the waec officer..I contacted Mr Kunle when all my waec gce result was withheld, and when I called him he told me to get him all the requirement and withing the period of 24hour my result was release and he also helped me to upgrade the once that my performance where very low..if you experiencing difficulty on your result or you wants to upgrade all your result contact Mr Kunle now on +2348060933128

      CALL HIM NOW 08060933128

    • 10 years ago

    Governor dr imoke wat ar u doing der sitting nd watching d young leaders crying.who soever dat z responsible 4 this my God would never 4give him or her in this wicked nd miserable world we are, just bcos u pple have fly all ur children 2 study abroad some poor pple i no b4 have become rich over night bcos of over salary giving 2 them buying jeeps, building houses etc.my parent suffer b4 there could pay all i needed 4 d exams but my God shall judge u all our leaders.we are pleading DR GOVERNOR IMOKE OUR GOD SHALL SUPPLY ALL UR NEED IF U COMPLY WITH THE YOUNG LEADERS GOD BLESS U.frm lovely emmanuel@gosco high campus

    • 10 years ago

    I knw imok vry well he is 4rm my vilage , d only person who is 4rm abi locial govt itigidi nd he is a thife becus he has nt dne anytin in our vilage,common money weac money he cn nt pay it 4 me is a crud an embezua God punish ur fada doctor liye imok in d grave.

    • 10 years ago

    At last, cross river state public schools waec results have been released today. Iam thankful to almighty God. I made 6 credit including English and mathematics.

      • 10 years ago

      are u sure abt ds?

    • 10 years ago

    My result is not showing,all i see is THE RESULT OF THIS CANDIDATE IS NOT OUT.And my friends have seen theirs.PLS I NEED HELP

      • 10 years ago

      Thanks to Mr KUNLE he help me to check and upgrade my waec GCE result this year and than i was having problem with English and government which i need so much after he have help me to upgrade the two subject all my paper was excellent Mr KUNLE i thank you once again my fellow waec GCE student you can contact him with this 08060933128 if you need his help before it get late.

      CALL MR KUNLE NOW ON 08060933128


    • 10 years ago

    what is really going on with waec result in cross river prof. Ben Ayade should do something or the youth went vote for him, because you can not say you are a professor when the waec result of your state have not been released.

    • 10 years ago

    My name,EZEKIEL EMMANUEL , i am 24 years of age i, hail from Annambra State Nigeria.Whose most of examines has frustrated in so many times even to the extant my friends named me MR enrollment bonanza, before i met this gracious man call Mr KUNLA who helped me to released all my withheld results WAEC and WAEC GCE and also helped me to upgrades some subjects that i had failed.At, first when i saw his number on net i thought that it was a fake and is not genuine or real.And, i also felt that it might be those hungry lions in the street but i never knew that he was God sent to me.So, that was how he poured smiles on me with his connections,influences,powers and authorities that are invested in him.But, today,i am very happy at least i can boost of some result that can push me to further my educational career.Please,

    in case you needs his help i advice u to call him through this number:08060933128
    MR KUNLE’S NUMBER IS 08060933128

    • 10 years ago

    AM,EZEKIEL EMMANUEL , i am 24 years of age i, hail from Annambra State Nigeria.Whose most of examines has frustrated in so many times even to the extant my friends named me MR enrollment bonanza, before i met this gracious man call Mr KUNLA who helped me to released all my withheld results WAEC and WAEC GCE and also helped me to upgrades some subjects that i had failed.At, first when i saw his number on net i thought that it was a fake and is not genuine or real.And, i also felt that it might be those hungry lions in the street but i never knew that he was God sent to me.So, that was how he poured smiles on me with his connections,influences,powers and authorities that are invested in him.But, today,i am very happy at least i can boost of some result that can push me to further my educational career.Please,

    in case you needs his help i advice u to call him through this number:08060933128
    MR KUNLE’S NUMBER IS 08060933128

    • 10 years ago


    CALL MR KUNLE TODAY +2348060933128

    • 10 years ago

    I want to testify of the great help that was render to me by Mr kunle one of the waec officer..I contacted Mr Kunle when all my waec gce result was withheld, and when I called him he told me to get him all the requirement and withing the period of 24hour my result was release and he also helped me to upgrade the once that my performance where very low..if you experiencing difficulty on your result or you wants to upgrade all your result contact Mr Kunle now on +2348060933128

    CALL HIM NOW 08060933128

    • 10 years ago

    My name, Sherif , i am 22 years of age i, hail from Annambra State Nigeria.Whose most of examines has frustrated in so many times even to the extant my friends named me Miss enrollment bonanza, before i met this gracious man call Mr KUNLA who helped me to released all my withheld results WAEC and WAEC GCE and also helped me to upgrades some subjects that i had failed.At, first when i saw his number on net i thought that it was a fake and is not genuine or real.And, i also felt that it might be those hungry lions in the street but i never knew that he was God sent to me.So, that was how he poured smiles on me with his connections,influences,powers and authorities that are invested in him.But, today,i am very happy at least i can boost of some result that can push me to further my educational career.

    Please,in case you needs his help i advice u to call him through this number:08060933128

    • 10 years ago

    a special thanks to mr steve for the wonderful job he did for me by helping me to release my waec result.i thought my university activity for this year is over but he ever let me down while am i saying this,am saying it because he is a really person who is capable of doing this that he promised.i urge you today,i mean for those of you who has one or two problems in waec or gce either in releasing of withheld result or upgrading.so all you have to do is to call him on 07061089234.

    • 10 years ago

    Thanks to Mr KUNLE he help me to check and upgrade my waec GCE result this year and than i was having problem with English and government which i need so much after he have help me to upgrade the two subject all my paper was excellent Mr KUNLE i thank you once again my fellow waec GCE student you can contact him with this 08060933128 if you need his help before it get late.

    CALL MR KUNLE NOW ON 08060933128


    • 10 years ago

    Good day friends’My, name is Okpara Juliet iam a native of Igbo Abia state. For 3 to 5 years now i have been writting Waec but i find it diffcult to come out in flying colour, but not until I met this gracious man God fearing called Dr. Ayo Adesina Abraham, who helped me to upgrading and released my withheld waec result,but at the beginning I thought he cannot help me or is not possible to release a witheld result, But I summond UP courage, I, did what he asked me to do, and just some few days he called me and asked me to check my result, then I did so and saw my result with a very good condition. Today, i’m very happy that i’m the most happiest person on Earth and also a student of Ibadan [IU]as a civil Engineering a student in 200 level,please for the sake of those who have the same problem I was before ,call Dr Abraham for help, he is there to assist you any time:08032319029.

    • 10 years ago

    Good day friends’My, name is Okun joy iam a native of Igbo Abia state. For 3 to 5 years now i have been writting Waec but i find it diffcult to come out in flying colour, but not until I met this gracious man God fearing called mr alex, who helped me to upgrading and released my withheld waec result,but at the beginning I thought he cannot help me or is not possible to release a witheld result, But I summond UP courage, I, did what he asked me to do, and just some few days he called me and asked me to check my result, then I did so and saw my result with a very good condition. Today, i’m very happy that i’m the most happiest person on Earth and also a student of Ibadan [IU]as a civil Engineering a student in 200 level,please for the sake of those who have the same problem I was before ,call mr alex for help, he is there to assist you any time:07032076032.

    • 8 years ago

    My waec withheld result has just been released with the help of Mr Hosea ‘ I saw a comment about him on the internet on how he has been helping many student upgrading and releasing their held result ‘I decided to call him’ already I have already gotten admission and I was using awaiting result and they are asking me about it ,and I don’t no when waec will release result so I contacted Mr Hosea and he told me to send all my exam details which I did and I did all what he ask me to do because I don’t no were to put my hope on and I have held so many time about him suprisngly he called me to go and check my result yesterday and I did , I checked the result and it was released he didn’t only release it he make sure I didn’t fail any subject
    If you need the same help you can call Mr Hosea on 08084199671 because I don’t want you people to fall into the wrong hands

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