They all laid with hope radiating from their eye balls..
I walked in of course with my strength.
Good afternoon mam.. You are welcome my dear.. She replied rapidly..
I was quietly led to a room whose temperature was rather heartbreaking. As I walked in, little voices of sincerity kept crying from different angles.
Little thin children running around unclothed.
In the spirit of the love season.. Their bed clothing were red roses and white petals.
Those awake played steadily while those asleep slept beautifully.
I opened my mouth wide while trying to say nothing in particular…
Then a thought crept in “Let them smile” I smiled first.
I walked to the little ridden bed that carried this very adorable tiny creature.
He was crying the hell out.
I reached for his hands and held them while wiping off a tiny but sincere tear from his eyes.
Who could calm this kid if not a mother…
I raised my face from my thoughts and looked at the care taker changing the diaper of another kid..
She did it so beautifully.
At that moment, I reflected on the lives of the innocent kids in that room.
Growing up in the midst of life’s adversaries without parental and adequate guidance.
I consoled myself.. “Parents aren’t necessarily blood”
I looked at the grown up kids..
The happiness and peace they felt in the presence of visitors.
Their lonely eyes and their hopeful voices.
Their aching skin.. Probably waiting for adoption.
Their deep brown eyes searching for answers to a thousand and one questions
“Why are we here?
Where is mummy?
Why are people bringing us food?
I saw the questions in their gazes.. I hid my face.. Not for shame? Far from it!
I didn’t have answers..
I was scared to disappoint them..
My eyes mopped the room as I saw a little store with half bags of rice and beans and a long roll of toiletries.
I picked up myself and walked briskly out of the room..
Walking fast away from the questions my own mind was raising..
A little prayer began to say itself from deep within as I decided to sign the visitors out book.
By the time I got to the gate.. I turned back and saw the little smiles waving at “aunty fear fear” I smiled shyly as I waved back.
Telling myself I’ll make it a point of duty to always check on my orphaned friend and his abandoned bed side mate. I whispered Amen.
Only then did I realise I was still praying. For the smiles to be sustained.
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