It was Roy T. Bennett who said “Leaders are limited by their vision rather than by their abilities.” The first step towards creating the future that we desire is seeing a vision of that future.
Vision according to the Oxford Dictionary is the faculty or state of being able to see, the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom or a mental image of what the future will or could be like.
Faith on the other hand is defined by the Webster’s dictionary as a strong belief or trust in someone or something. Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about our vision.
These two are the pillars that form the foundation of structure upon which Sen. Ben Ayade is working to deliver the revolutionary socio-economic growth of Cross River State; This is the Ayade Advantage.
The Ayade Advantage is a social, political and economic revolution based on vision, reasoning and reality. It is a product of deep thinking, strategic planning and cohesive action towards producing extra-ordinary outcomes.
Prof. Ben Ayade, the Executive Governor of Cross River State is a man blessed with sound mental faculty for clear vision, courage to pursue the dream and competence to achieve them.
Cross River State has an advantage having Sen. Ben Ayade as governor. This advantage covers all spheres and is being made manifest sooner than later.
The Ayade Advantage is a phenomenon which is set to spread nationally, continentally and of course globally. It is a combination of a superior quality of mind, body and soul.
The professor had once said “At any point in life you put your soul above your problems, your body would follow.” He added “When you dream beyond your perceived abilities and surrounding physical realities, it allows your soul to leap into quantum height to be able to drive with the energy that must free you from obvious limitations”
These statements put together combine the vision and faith to deliver superior results in a continent that there is a dearth of dreams, aspirations and achievements.
Sen. Ben Ayade comes as a ray of hope for the state, the nation and the continent. He is a blessing and a light that will not only birth a new day but also propel the much needed industrialization, economic development and alleviate poverty in the land. It is the audacity of his vision and faith that will deliver these outcomes.
Helen Keller had put it succinctly, “The most pathetic person in the world is someone who has sight but no vision.” Sen. Ayade has not just vision but faith beyond the size of a mustard seed. These qualities drive the transformational aspiration and achievements currently making a difference in Cross River State.
Every nation or sub national entity that has achieved revolutionary transformation be it Singapore or Dubai has been led by visionary leaders with strong faith in their ability to make a change.
Sen. Ben Ayade is a visionary leader in the mould of Lee Kwan Yew of Singapore and Sheikh Rashid bin Saeed Al Maktoum of Dubai. He is set to transform Cross River State from a third world economy to a first world economy through innovative strategies that are sure of results.
As a professor, the governor has proposed the theory of Infinite Transposition as a strategy of achieving the deliverables of democratic governance.
Infinite Transposition is a modern Economic and Mathematical development model of fiscal engineering deployed into Governance to advance an economic democratic process that facilitates endless, seamless and contiguous project and program expenditure all round, allowing room for inner triangulation and circumlocution without necessarily changing the overall shape of the Fiscal structure.
It is expected that this visionary strategy at the end of eight years would have achieved revolutionary transformation of the state, providing world class infrastructure, a vibrant economy, a functional economic and liberal democracy and a productive and fulfilled citizenry.
This is the Ayade Advantage that we all are set to experience. We will enjoy the Ayade Advantage individually and collectively. The Ayade Advantage will impact both the corporate and public sector of the state economy.
The Ayade Advantage is the new rave and we must all key in to get maximum benefits. This is the time to take a stand. This is the opportunity to be part of a revolutionary movement coming out of Africa.
Let’s make a difference now!
Emmanuel Etim is a development Consultant based in Nigeria.
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