By Able Winnard
A postgraduate student of the University of Cross River State (UNICROSS), in the Department of Visual Art and Technology Edak Bassey, has set a new African record as the first to feature in Plein Air Magazine, a United States of America-based magazine.
PleinAir Magazine is a bi-monthly published magazine focused on landscape paintings by both historical and contemporary artists, art collections, events, and the process of creating plein air paintings.
And in a global art circle, the UNICROSS student will be the first Plein Air artist from Nigeria to feature and has been running her art program, “Plein Air with Edak Young” for years.
Her art program takes her to major cities in Nigeria where she sets up mobile studios and leads local artists and interested individuals to document locations in plein air.
In her words, she said: “Plein air is my way of reading and communicating with nature. I study the shapes, forms, chiaroscuro, and many unexpected visual encounters and stimuli that plein air grants me.
In that sense, plein-air painting expands my inner artistic confidence and broadens my creative scope. With it, I find studio work less stressful because I have worked out many of the subtleties of those pieces in the field.”
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