Village people are still contributing money to build small bridges across communities without the help of the government.
Village people are still contributing their small money to build community health centers.
Village people are still contributing money and building materials to construct community schools.
Village people are still contributing their pennies to build worship centers.
Village people are still contributing food stuff to bury their dead.
Village people, out of their poverty, will still share their food with you when they have, it is you that won’t eat it because you think they will kill you.
Village people are still contributing their small money to build local ‘courts’ and arbitration centers in our communities, where they settle their disputes. That’s why you will still return to the village this December.
Village people are still sending their small earnings to their filial connections in the cities.
Village people are even still doing divination to catch witches and thieves and periodic cleansing of our communities so that, when we return home, we can still meet home.
African ancestors are our mediators. They are not our haters. They are our guide and guard. You cannot bind or loose them. They are not within your reach. Stop wasting your time. If you could bind them, you would have done it once and for all. You wouldn’t have to do it every time you pray like you have been doing daily.
It is not to say there are no wicked people in the village. There are. It is to say that wicked people are not only found in our villages. There are more wicked people in the cities than in our villages per population density. Witches are now more in towns than villages. Sapa dey catch them too for village.
Verily verily I say unto you, village people are not your problem. Your problem is that you are refusing to see your problem that is within reach. Those delay-ers of your destiny whom you venerate.
Those who hold your money meant to build hospitals, but prefer to pay your hospital bills.
Those who hold your money meant to build or renovate schools but prefer to squeeze notes into envelopes for you as scholarships.
Those who hold your money meant to build roads but prefer to buy you refurbished vehicles to drive on potholes and craters.
Those who are paid to create an enabling environment for job creation and career growth, but prefer to give you handouts.
Those who are paid to give you security but prefer to move around with security.
Those who hold your money meant for SMEs but prefer to sponsor you to learn how to make soap and do make-up.
Those are the witches and wizards that are holding down your destiny. They are the ones flying with sirens and holding meetings in the night and sharing your opportunities and destinies. Unless your village person falls in their category, he or she is innocent. Old age does not amount to witchcraft. It is a blessing. Unless you don’t want to grow old yourself.
So go home this December and make peace with your village people and know peace. Then when you return by January 2024, you will know where to face your barrel.
Citizen Agba Jalingo is the Publisher of CrossRiverWatch and a rights activist, a Cross Riverian, and writes from Lagos.
NB: Opinions expressed in this article are strictly attributable to the author, Agba Jalingo, and do not represent the opinion of CrossRiverWatch or any other organization the author works for/with.
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