Breaking News Columnists Opinion

In The Name Of My Father: Hard Truths For Hard Times BY WILLIAM ETIM-BASSEY

By CrossRiverWatch Admin Being the second of a three part series by the son of the late journalist, Ernest Etim Bassey as part of events leading to the 20th anniversary celebration of his father. There are two sides to this argument and both have a certain merit. But, then, I have the courage and the

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Breaking News Columnists Opinion

I Saw Calabar Yesterday BY INIOBONG LEROI UMOH

By CrossRiverWatch Admin I saw CALABAR yesterday. She is a tall lady with cute dimples. She has always taken pride in her beauty. She walks around with a graceful air. She is a great cook and had learned at an early age how to prepare Edikang ikong, Afia efere ebot, efere afang ye ndek iyak

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Breaking News Columnists Opinion Reports

Cultural Tourism: Cross River’s Strategic Product For Promoting Sustainable Tourism BY EMMANUEL ETIM

The 2017 World Tourism Day was celebrated globally on the 27th of September. The World Tourism Day has been celebrated since 1980 on September 27, the day in which the Statutes of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) entered into force. The theme “Sustainable Tourism; a tool for development” was apt as the day was dedicated

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Breaking News Columnists Opinion Reports


By CrossRiverWatch Admin I live in Calabar, and as opposed to the one sided myth of a writers sad life, I am a happy child. At eleven I started trying out writing and public speaking, I remember the joy and motivation I felt when a local church used my tender words in their harvest magazine,

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Breaking News Columnists Opinion

In The Name Of My Father: Ernest Etim-Bassey BY WILLIAM ETIM-BASSEY

By CrossRiverWatch Admin Being the first of a three part series by the son of the late journalist, Ernest Etim-Bassey as part of events leading to the 20th anniversary celebration of his father. To Edwin Madunagu: loyal, forthright and a true leftist, even though we should different political views. As the 20th anniversary of my

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Breaking News Columnists Education Opinion

World Teachers Day: Nigerian Teachers Need To Be Celebrated And Appreciated BY ODEY OJEKA

By CrossRiverWatch Admin Teachers day is a special day dedicated to all teachers, it is celebrated every year on the 5th of October to honor the teachers and appreciate their special contributions towards education. The first teachers day was celebrated in India in 1962. The role of teachers in everyone’s life is great as they

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Breaking News Columnists Opinion

Ayade’s NORTHFEST: Revolutionizing Agriculture In Cross River North BY SOLOMON ASHA

By CrossRiverWatch Admin The entity made up of the former Ogoja Province now in Cross River State, and the present Northern Senatorial District of the state in particular which is the focus of this article is heavily endowed by the creator with both human and natural resources; agricultural and solid minerals, among others. In terms

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Breaking News Columnists National News Opinion Politics

Not Too Young To Run Bill: Reactions From 3rd Dialogue Townhall BY WOFAI EWA

By CrossRiverWatch Admin On Monday the 14th day of August 2017, I was invited to join a panel to discuss the benefits and role of the Youths, following the voting patterns observed at both tiers of the National Assembly with regards the Constitution Alteration Bill, and with particular focus on the NotTooYoungToRun Bill. As usual,

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