Ikwen Atuaka
Breaking News Education

Obudu Council Boss Hails Governor Otu’s Strides In Education Sector

These developments have far-reaching impacts on the people and the nation at large as they will contribute to addressing the skills gap in critical sectors such as agriculture, education, and healthcare

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Breaking News Columnists Opinion

Jungle Justice: A Melancholy Of Medico-legal And Social Challenges In Cross River State BY IKWEN ATUAKA

Jungle justice or mob justice is a form of extrajudicial killing which has gained ground in Cross River State over the past few years. Hitherto unknown, it’s popularity has grown across the State and now poses a medico-legal and social challenge in the State as it is the highest of man’s inhumanity to man. The

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Akwa-Cross Entertainment Business & Economy Columnists Opinion Politics

Digital Cross River, The Neglect Of It’s Sine Qua Non BY IKWEN ATUAKA

There is a consistent resounding with the target of achieving digital Cross River. Broadly speaking, a digital society ensures an ICT driven knowledge-based society where information will be readily available online and where all possible tasks of the government, semi-government and private spheres will be processed through modern technology. So, a digital Cross River must

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Breaking News Columnists National News Opinion Politics

Peace And Development: The Themes Of Our Times And The Stark Reality In Cross River BY IKWEN ATUAKA

Peace and development are the promoted themes of the times even when the reality speaks otherwise. Every day, people across the world should call for others to join hands in advancing the lofty cause of peace and development of mankind and Cross River State and Cross Riverians is and are not left out. It is

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Akwa-Cross Entertainment Breaking News Columnists Health National News Opinion

Drug Addiction; The Raging Growth BY IKWEN ATUAKA

  Youths in Cross River State are increasingly becoming addicted to narcotics, a veritable malady which once indulged in, gets into the bones and cannot be shaken off easily with all efforts. The result most often is that not only the young addict, but his family is doomed. Various factors are at work for this

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