Justice Elias Abua
Breaking News

CRSHA Impeachment Saga: What Transpired In Court And Reactions

The Court held that even though the defendants argued that the votes and proceedings of that day shows that only correspondences were taken and motions as well as one of urgent public importance of which broke up the House, The Claimant’s position that the impeachment was the motion that broke up the House remained un-controverted

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Breaking News Politics

BREAKING: Ayambem Was Validly Removed As Speaker, Court Holds

Recall that 17 out of the 25 members of the Assembly had passed a vote of no confidence in Mr. Ayambem in May.

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Breaking News Columnists Opinion Politics

Honorable Jarigbe Agom Jarigbe And Related Matters Arising In PDP BY VENA IKEM

At the close of yesterday, after pondering some of the comments I read on the social media, I woke up with the mindset to rather enlighten and inform because most people are actually ignorant of the issues surrounding the burning concerns in PDP Cross River State. Funny enough people on both sides of the divide.

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