Breaking News Opinion

The Ladder Has Two Ends… BY AGBA JALINGO

Continuum in life is nature’s way of taking a huge risk and hoping it will pay off. Everything in life is a continuum. Things happen in perpetuity. Nothing in life ever really dies or comes to an end. Things only change forms. We learned that in elementary science. That matter exists in different forms. Solid,

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Breaking News Opinion

You Own Nothing, You Lose Nothing… BY AGBA JALINGO 

If you buy land or buy a house, you have only paid rent for the remaining years you have on Earth. None of them belong to you. If you buy a car, you have only paid for your transport for the period the car will last or for the period you will last. It doesn’t

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Breaking News Opinion

Reconciling The Opposites… BY AGBA JALINGO

When the house has people, we crave privacy but when the house is empty, we desire company. When food is cold, we request that it should be heated and when it is served, we fan it to cool. We celebrate the dead. We even borrow to contribute to their ‘befitting’ burials and travel distances to

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Business Health Opinion Podcast

Health Benefits Of Drinking Water To Human Beings BY IDORENYIN UMOREN

Listen To The Article Water is crucial to keep the body working correctly. It is present in the blood, skin, organs, and bones. There is water in every cell of the body, from the brain to the teeth. Have you ever also wondered how much of your body is water? The percentage of water varies

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Breaking News Opinion

The World Loves You Most When You Are Sent To Be Alone BY AGBA JALINGO

It’s on that day you gather the highest number of guests. Both the well-dressed and the poorly dressed. Those who could not assist you before that day will willingly contribute in cash and be kind enough to send you to be alone on that day. Family, a committee of friends, church members, and acquaintances will

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Breaking News Columnists Opinion

Marriage Is An Achievement BY AGBA JALINGO

Maybe we should start from the meaning of Achievement. What does it mean? Different dictionaries give different definitions but I took two, while the reader can add more. a. A thing done successfully with effort, skill, or courage. b. The act of achieving; attainment or accomplishment, like the achievement of one’s object. In the first

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Breaking News

life buoy wallpaper

Proin tristique elit et augue varius pellentesque. Donec enim neque, vulputate et commodo in, tristique sed velit. Phasellus adipiscing faucibus felis eget hendrerit. Vestibulum aliquet mauris sed felis convallis, sed tempus augue malesuada. Vivamus mauris lorem, laoreet sed suscipit nec, dapibus at elit. In in augue lobortis, eleifend tortor et, varius eros. Vivamus dignissim sed

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Breaking News

life buoy wallpaper

Proin tristique elit et augue varius pellentesque. Donec enim neque, vulputate et commodo in, tristique sed velit. Phasellus adipiscing faucibus felis eget hendrerit. Vestibulum aliquet mauris sed felis convallis, sed tempus augue malesuada. Vivamus mauris lorem, laoreet sed suscipit nec, dapibus at elit. In in augue lobortis, eleifend tortor et, varius eros. Vivamus dignissim sed

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