Breaking News Columnists Politics

State Governors Are The Real Problem Of Nigerian Democracy BY DOMINIC KIDZU

They use poverty as a form of political control. The poorer the people, the more likely they are compelled to sing and dance at the celestial glory of the sovereign who does no wrong. Every single project is magnified as the greatest, ever. He knows the truth, but what the heck! The wealth of the

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Breaking News Columnists Education

Is ‘Atakpa’ Of Calabar Really Linked To ‘Akpa’ Of The Jukuns? BY CEEJAY OJONG

For instance, where did the 'Akpa Junkuns' suddenly disperse to without any remnant or trace of its people, language or settlements in the Calabar vicinity? The Efuts we already know are a part of the Balondo ba konja people. The Quas are a subset of the larger Ejagham superset. The Efiks have their clear and

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Breaking News Columnists National News Opinion Politics

My Stewardship So Far BY HON PETER AKPANKE

Together, we shall demolish all the mountains and refill all the valleys that dare to stand between us and the attainment of our collective desires.

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Breaking News Opinion

Sunday Musings: Things You Shouldn’t Be Praying For… BY AGBA JALINGO

Nigerians today boast of the biggest churches in the world. For the members of those ministries, it is a huge achievement. For many who understand the dynamics, it is a sign of endemic poverty, deprivation and bad governance. Let me try to explain. Some of the most pressing things that force our people to churches

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Breaking News Opinion

Don’t Be Like Him… BY AGBA JALINGO

Inside Afokang Prison in Calabar, the place I spent my time the most was in the welfare department where we make phone calls, receive counseling and where the prison library is. I was always borrowing their books. I had a favorite counselor, Madam Nancy. A wonderful Ikom woman that was so kind and generous to

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Breaking News Opinion

In Memoriam – Tikare Akan: Three Years And Counting BY CHRISTIAN ULEM

Dear Tikare Akan Today I remembered you as a great person, whose memory will accompany me forever, through love, friendship and the moments we had the opportunity to share together. In the tapestry of life, there are threads woven with brilliance, kindness, and innovation. Among them, shines the radiant presence of TK, a beacon of

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Breaking News Health Opinion

Why Are You Unhappy? BY AGBA JALNGO

When you watch a movie that makes you cry, or watch a game that makes you excited or moody, or sight an enemy that causes you anxiety and a faster heartbeat, or perceive a smell that makes you cover your nose, or hear a sound that makes you cringe or exclaim, or remember a thought

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Breaking News Opinion

It Takes More Than Courage To Challenge Institutions… BY AGBA JALINGO

Courage may be simply explained as the ability to go ahead and do something that frightens you or the capacity to maintain strength in the face of pain and grief. There are quite a number of people out there who have no qualms taking such risks. The world has seen very many of such in

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