Breaking News Opinion

It Takes More Than Courage To Challenge Institutions… BY AGBA JALINGO

Courage may be simply explained as the ability to go ahead and do something that frightens you or the capacity to maintain strength in the face of pain and grief. There are quite a number of people out there who have no qualms taking such risks. The world has seen very many of such in

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Breaking News Opinion

Watching The Protests From Your Pigeon Holes… BY AGBA JALINGO

In the news, there is an increasing spate of protests around the country over the rising cost of living and the suffocating economic situation of Nigerians. These protests are not just instigated or organized by the opposition or so-called haters of Mr. President. They are spontaneous small numbers, populated by people who appear to be

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Breaking News Opinion


Boom Boom Boom… The rich and poor within the vicinity, quickly evacuate. Running out of danger. The call is made to commanders to prepare their soldiers for action. As the evacuees run out of danger, the soldier is under oath to run towards the danger. He has to find who is creating the chaos and

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Breaking News Opinion

Consider This Before You Hate… BY AGBA JALINGO

Hate is in part what keeps us going when our lives have been put on hold. Every time there are severe disruptions in our lives, the stronger the hate we have for everything around us. Hate avails a major form of catharsis for releasing, and providing relief from such repressed emotions. Hate is also an

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Breaking News Politics

Who Is A Fearless Man? BY AGBA JALINGO

Fear is one of the most basic emotions embedded in the nervous system. Not just that of man, but in every creature that has nerves. All creatures that have nerves are equipped with the survival instinct necessary to respond with fear when we sense danger or feel unsafe. It is a warning or signal to

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Breaking News Opinion

Betta Edu: Celebrating The Foot Soldier, Poster Girl Of The Renewed Hope Agenda BY RASHEED OLANREWAJU

In all the places she has visited, Dr. Edu spread the message of hope, mingled and empathized with the vulnerable, and distributed relief items.  Her message of hope is clear and succinct:  “The goal is to get everybody wherever they are out of poverty and humanitarian crises… We will close all gaps to ensure Nigerians

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Breaking News Opinion

Work With Darkness… BY AGBA JALINGO

Darkness is the senior brother of light. Yes! I just said so and it’s true. Darkness was here before light came. Darkness is the original and permanent condition of our planet, Earth. It is the Sun, which is not located on this planet, that supplies light to our dark planet. In other words, if the

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Breaking News Opinion

Reduce Your Intolerance, I Am Not The Problem… BY AGBA JALINGO

“Agba Jalingo, I am your ardent follower. I followed you on recommendations from very respectable people who spoke very well of you. But I have noticed that you are promoting paganism and satanic religions on your page too much and I am considering un-following you please!” This is a message I received from a young

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