paulina morphy fogg
Columnists Opinion Politics

Northern Cross River Is A Man’s World, But It’s Nothing Without A Woman BY PAULINA MORPHY FOGG

by crossriverwatch admin Growing up in Ogoja northern Cross River state is an experience, to say the least. It’s weird to say that I am neither pleased nor displeased with the way our diverse politics is heading, because the meaning of the word “weird” is hard to nail down. I am obviously female; I haven’t

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Columnists National News Opinion Politics Reports

Homeless Children And Social Welfare in Cross River State BY PAULINA MORPHY FOGG

by crossriverwatch admin Social Welfare in Cross River State has lost its meaning when it comes to safe guarding our homeless children. The well being of the entire Cross River State as a society, if we have any social structure in place is yet to be debated. Social welfare is not the same as standard

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Breaking News Columnists Opinion Reports

Appraising Rural Empowerment in Cross River BY PAULINA MORPHY FOGG

by crossriverwatch admin In cross river today many of my friends have talk about how the present administration has empowered rural communities in terms of projects but the only problem is the poor quality of the projects and the lack of monitoring and wastage in the system. But none of us are a talking about

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