While I am a diehard supporter of our Governor, Senator Liyel Imoke, just like I will not stand a ridicule on him, so will I not stand a ridicule on Victor Ndoma Egba. We have brains let us use them, we have conscience let us apply same.
How can we judge with fairness when we are not fair to ourselves? Why should we expect to be treated differently from the way we treat others? Why are we fanning a flame that will destroy our peace?
Who are those benefiting from this divide and rule strategy? Let us go through history and we will realize that most wars were initiated out of pride and ego and how did it end? Let us not be used! For in the end numbers will “die” and our differences will be deepened and then what?
Why don’t we strengthen our focus on how we can reconcile our differences rather than put our energies into dividing us further?
Wisdom is a product of deep intuition and an unbiased mind just like knowledge is born out of studies while intelligence is the utilization and exhibition of what has been learnt. What use is wisdom, knowledge or intelligence when we manipulate it for self gratification against our collective interests? How can we claim to be wise and all powerful when we war amongst ourselves?
In a just kingdom it doesn’t matter who the king is or who his subjects are. What matters most is how just the king is to accept the truth and apply same for what it is and how truthful the subjects are to tell the king to his face when a deviation from that which is just is been done.
Two wrongs can’t make a right and those that seek to deepen these wrongs by taking sides with the wrong are either ignorant or benefiting from the actions of the wrong party and this can be termed as evil. How long should we sit and gloat or let this evil tear us apart?
Any society that has lost its conscience is a dead system run by zombies and for us to be alive again, let us reawaken our conscience, kill the sycophancy, shun rumors and build bridges via dialogue and compromises.
It is not too much to say I am sorry, it is not too much to ask for forgiveness, it is not too much to forgive, learn lessons and move on. It is not too much for the strong to accept the wisdom of the weak, it saves us our energy for other greater and better causes.
We are learned and exposed, how many kings without much gold and in a state of transition will wage war on different fronts, including a war within his kingdom and expect to win the external and or internal war?
Let us settle our internal differences and stand united against our external forces. With due respect our amiable Governor, the war against Senator Bassey Otu; Senator Ndoma Egba and co. is destroying us and like a cell eating on the inside we are weakening our defenses. In truth this is unnecessary!
Consider the funds utilized on both sides for lobbying? Consider the energies and sleepless nights, the plans and counter plans, the lies and bad blood. Everyone loves you for one reason that calm, forgiving side of you, you might have been pushed to the wall but as a humble humane leader you are, it is time to bring everyone together, whatever it is you are our father, call your sons and daughters together, so many people feel hurt and not been carried along.
A lot of persons feel sidelined. Sir, you came from a home, your father was and is still respected. Don’t let a few people who may not have your interest truly at heart destroy all you have labored to build.
Workers are complaining of salaries, those that have retired are crying out for their benefits, students on scholarships are complaining of not receiving their allowance over a period, some completed projects are not fully utilized nor are some projects completed duly executed, a great percentage of our youths who are graduates are without jobs etc, there is an increase in numbers of street kids, mentally challenged people roaming our streets, the waste department is failing in their responsibility, we lose lives and properties to bad roads, illegal parking on the highways by trucks, armed robbery etc.
Those who say all is well don’t mean you well or our state. You have done the best you can and indeed you are trying with the challenges of our resources but those who advice you on how to divide us more should redirect our focus as to how we can beat these challenges we face.
We may not be competing with any state but our economy is been threatened especially by our neighboring state, we need positive ideas and actions towards these ideas to revamp our glory that is been challenged. You started well and we pray that you end well. For if it is well with you it is with us.
Let us not take sides and ridicule ourselves before the world. Let us take sides with peace and oneness of purpose for the good of Cross River and her generation to come. This is a message from the streets, from even within your office and my observations. Thanks for your sacrifices for indeed it is not easy, we appreciate and love you!
Prince Michael Nku Abuo is the Director General, Cross River State Political Network, CRISPON and writes from Calabar
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