Let me deviate a little from my Bakassi cry to an event of concern.
Just last week I laid down to rest after a hectic day, the evening was peaceful as should be, the cloud bore no resemblance as “a bad day.”
Everywhere was calm, with the cool breeze gently ushering in the Christmas, and the harmattan air reminding us we need to cover ourselves properly…
Soaked in my own thoughts, I heard a loud shout, each second passing the voices increased, neighbours ran out, all attention was shifted from the night’s calmness to the loud cry for help…
30 minutes later, everywhere was calm, the shouting turned fast into silent whispers, the mobbing crowd reduced to few sympathizers, the doers of the deed fled to their shells, and the victim laid lifeless…

That’s how life is..
Why was he killed?
He was caught with a gun!
Did he shot at anybody?
Not exactly
Has he been caught stealing before?
Nobody has even ever seen him before..
Who are the people who killed him?
But he was burnt to death and thrown into a road side gutter…
He laid helplessly, waiting for journalists to make their news, CUDA to do their work, Musers to keep musing, photographers to take more pictures, critics to throw their spit, sympathizers to drown themselves in pity and a family that would never show up.
Just like any other person will ask, why do people take laws into their hands, what happened with justice?
Is it for us to decide?
What happened to those in charge of making laws and executing them?
We leave them with no work to do…
Most times we take cover in the street and commit crimes but because the street believes in jungle justice does not mean that you are just if you murder.
Let’s us think, It isn’t right to keep polluting human nature with Jungle justice.
Imagine the young vibrant thief ( with his gun)
Crying and screaming for mercy from a thick crowd..
But beautifully dressed with tyres and perfumed with fuel, crawling through the pool of his own blood,
Yet receiving heavy pats on his head with mighty clubs, and amidst his piercing cry for help, he is burnt to death… For a crime he may not be guilty of…
Then I ask, if me as human as I am, with my wickedness and sins dripping from my fingers find this act inhuman and disgusting… How would the giver of life find this?
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