By Raymond Ekemini

As part of the activities to celebrate the 2014 christmas, the student union government of the University of Calabar has hosted the first ever christmas party.
The event held at the Malabor square and drew all the students of the university present to the party.
Declaring the event open, the SUG President, Mr. Ajang Emmanuel told the students that they is every need to celebrate the Christmas as a means of thanking God for protecting them thus far.
Earlier during the day, life goats, bags of rice and various drinks landed in the Republik of Malabor for the event.
Some of the students who expressed joy over the celebration and the party, applauded the SUG President for making them have a sense of belonging and making them smile this Christmas.
Onu Emeka, the CCO of MAN’O’WAR, UNICAL Command, commended the SUG exco for their kind gesture for making the students who have not travelled for holiday to have a sense of belonging this Christmas season.
The SUG Director of Sports, Mr Nsisong Brendan in his words of appreciation thanked Malabites and Malabresses for turning out for the party, he revealed that the SUG has many other pakages for the students in due course.
The President of the SUG also declared free SACANTO for all present.
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