Friend Or Foe
Life is a mix of ups and downs, happiness and sadness. The feeling of being betrayed is shattering especially when it’s by family. When life deals you a blow like that, it’s a challenge you must brave up to and face squarely knowing blood is thicker than water.
Is everything okay, she asked. Yeah everything is good I replied but she asked me once again, seeing I had been crying but how do I respond to that question when she’s the reason for the tears.
Evelyn (not real name), has been my confidant, sister, friend and adviser all my life. I made no decisions without her input and even when I tried to do so, I would find myself lost without her. Through school, getting a job, my relationships and finally my marriage she was there.
She settled squabbles between my husband and I often times, which made me comfortable leaving her in his company but all this changed when a close friend of hers spoke carelessly somewhere and it got back to me that my sister and friend was pregnant for my hubby. The shock is too much for me to bear, how do I handle it? We say family is everything, how do I handle this when it’s coming from family.
People, I got this a few days ago, just when I was thinking of what topic to write on.
I’m no expert on relationships so I’ve brought it to my esteemed readers to help with some advice to her. For me, I’ve asked she takes a step back and ask God to show her where it went wrong and wisdom on how to handle it especially as she still wants her marriage back.
Thank you everyone who sent in their stories and feedback , I’m glad to hear from you. You can send me a mail with questions and your stories,
Have a fruitful week ahead.
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