Family And Technology
I touched some sore points last week and got quite a handful of questions. Hope you all had a fruitful week, mine was exceptional. Two birthdays and a full house with children is just the perfect way for the week to be super busy and then a weekend planned for a play date for the kids. I don’t have to tell you how that will go.
I had some guests over and my older son comes in. After exchanging pleasantries, my guest asked him what plans he had for his birthday and he says, oh it’s on Sunday and you really don’t need an invitation just come over when you can.
Stunned, my guest asked where the venue was and he says, mummy will tell you if you ask her. I couldn’t stop laughing, really he was done with my guest, got what he wanted and off he went. My guest asked how old and I said, he is six today.
Amazing how time flies; just like yesterday, I held him in my arms and gazed at him. My heart filled with joy, wondering how I was going to do the job of nursing and caring for him.
It truly has been a wonderful journey for us and when his baby brother came along five days before his birthday, I told myself it couldn’t have been a better time.
As a parent, I can tell you that having your kids born same month or better still same day is the best thing when you think of birthday parties. Luckily for me, my boys are five days apart and very convenient because I get to celebrate their birthdays together (for now).
Back to the responses I got from last week. A parent actually told me I was in the 19th century, I should stop poisoning the minds of other parents. This is the age of technology and so the kids should be allowed to go with the flow.
I couldn’t bring myself to believe a parent could sound that way but then, that’s how she feels but I think that is totally wrong. First of all, it’s rude for a child to walk up to a guest and the first thing he does is take the phone. For heaven’s sake it’s not right.
No matter how advanced in technology we are, we shouldn’t forget the basic things passed on to us by our parents and politeness is definitely one of them. Respect can’t be over emphasised, obedience is key and with it every other thing falls in place.
Please my dear friends, let’s think always what we want others to see in our children and not what we see. God’s blessings and favor throughout this week.
Do your best and forget the rest.
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