1. The first pronouncement of employment made by Governor Ayade after taking office was the approval for the Cross River State Universal Basic Education Board, SUBEB, to recruit 1000 teachers.
They were recruited, worked for over a year without pay and later sacked.
2. In 2016, Governor Ayade also approved recruitment into the Cross River Water Board.
It became a hoax. No one got recruited. Even some workers aren’t still paid till date.
3. In August 2015 – Ayade announced that he will employ 1,500 people into the Green Police later renamed Green Sheriff with an incorruptible salary of N150k. Thousands queued at the U.J Esuene stadium and at the end, he selected about 12 people whose salary has remained irregular.
4. In November 2016 – The Governor announced that it has commenced recruitment of 3,000 people into the State’s homeland security outfit. A statement said, the State was partnering with the Nigerian Police Force. Till date, no one has been employed.
5. February 23, 2018 – Ayade announced at the sports stadium in Ikom that he will employ 3,000 youths in Central Cross River State following a Senatorial endorsement for re-election.
6. February 24, 2018 – The Governor announced another plan to employ 3,000 people from Northern Cross River at what was termed a ‘grand reception’ but was an endorsement campaign.
7. In April 2018, a statement directed that interested applicants for the Rice city should forward their applications to commerce and industry ministry. However, no one ever sat at the address stated to receive applications. No one knows how the about three dozen staff were ever recruited.
8. June 21, 2019 – A statement from the Ministry of Information said a recruitment exercise for the State owned noodles factory had commenced immediately. Applicants were to visit the factory and after days of trying and no one to respond to them, that exercise died a natural death.
9. On January 1, 2019 – The primary health care agency began the process of recruiting 1,000 health workers. The exercise was concluded in May 2019 and despite the shortlisted candidates forwarded to the Head of Service, nothing has been heard of the exercise.
10. In January 2020, the State announced that it will employ about a dozen tractor and bulldozer drivers. No recruitment was ever carried out and the press release by Commissioner Asu Okang said there is no deadline for submission of applications.
11. Oct 25, 2018, Governor Ayade offered automatic employment to all graduates of civil engineering in Cross River.
That was the the biggest lie of that year. The promise fizzled out just immediately after it was vomited.
12. Ayade in March 2019, again promised employment to polling unit agents if they were of “good behaviour.”
As if that was his business other than seeking to compromise them. It never happened.
13. Ayade also in March 2019, promised employment to best graduating nurses from the Cross River State College of Health Technology.

Turned out a hoax raised to power six. Nothing of such happened.
>Magistrates in the State are being owed salaries running into months.
>Law officers engaged by government were laid off.
>Science teachers have been yanked off secondary schools in the State since 2019 and they have been crying. Till now Cross River secondary schools don’t have science teachers.
>Over 2000 active names have been delisted from the state payroll since 2019 leaving them without pay and and these set of workers have been requesting their reinstatement to no avail.
>CUDA workers that used to clean Calabar have been disengaged since 2018.
>Our entire State has only 33 medical doctors.
>And now you wake up and want to deceive people again that you are recruiting 8000 workers at N30k monthly salary?
>Gathering and exposing large crowds in the face of corona pandemic?
>Does our Governor grab an erection from spewing persistent untruths or is it just the headlines he wants to grab or does he forget that we are keeping records of his public commitments?
>Those who are wasting their time and resources travelling from the interiors for hours to Calabar thinking there are jobs, should stay home and be safe from COVID 19.
>Governor Ayade was given N240million Naira by the federal government as COVID palliative.
>He must retire the money and 240million divide by 8000 is 30k. With this hoax the Governor is calling recruitment, the money has been clinically retired.
Thank you.
Citizen Agba Jalingo is the publisher of CrossRiverWatch and writes from Lagos State.
NOTE: Opinions expressed in this article are strictly attributable to the author, Agba Jalingo and do not represent the opinion of CrossRiverWatch or any other organization the author works for/with.
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