Breaking News Reports

Sunday Musings: So That The Humans Of Earth May Understand… BY AGBA JALINGO

Humans have always wanted to know how existence began. Different cultures have their own diverse stories to explain it. And all these explanations, drenched in their cultural marginality, are written into sacred texts and considered divinely inspired and true. Usually, there are always very severe consequences prescribed for anyone who disagrees with the accounts in

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Breaking News Opinion

Sunday Musings: A Day Will Never Come When I Will Need You? BY AGBA JALINGO 

I imagine that I released a footage here where I was addressing members of my small organization, CrossRiverWatch, that, “a day will never come when I will need you. You need me. If you don’t want to dry up, you need me for your race.” I imagine the kind of bashing I will receive. Even

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Breaking News Opinion Reports

Africa Is Monotheistic… BY AGBA JALINGO

Like many other lies that foreigners told us about Africa and we swallowed them hook, line and sinker; lies like, it was Mungo Park who discovered River Niger, we also bought into the lie that Africa is Pantheistic. Meaning African religions have multiple gods. Those who accept and romanticize that lie are doing so because

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Breaking News Opinion

Sunday Musings: Things You Shouldn’t Be Praying For… BY AGBA JALINGO

Nigerians today boast of the biggest churches in the world. For the members of those ministries, it is a huge achievement. For many who understand the dynamics, it is a sign of endemic poverty, deprivation and bad governance. Let me try to explain. Some of the most pressing things that force our people to churches

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Breaking News Opinion


I had thought I would never turn out to be anything in life because I was told so, but my God proved everyone wrong. I have been locked up in Police stations more than 50 times, in all, my God came through. I have been incarcerated in five different prisons by both the government and

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Breaking News Opinion

Reverse The Supplications… BY AGBA JALINGO

Nigeria is hard! Sounds awkward in the first line of an article on a Monday morning. But that’s the smell of truth. Silver nor gold do I have to give those who are going through this hardship, but I wake up most of the time thinking about experience sharing that can give someone out there

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Breaking News Opinion

Work With Darkness… BY AGBA JALINGO

Darkness is the senior brother of light. Yes! I just said so and it’s true. Darkness was here before light came. Darkness is the original and permanent condition of our planet, Earth. It is the Sun, which is not located on this planet, that supplies light to our dark planet. In other words, if the

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Breaking News Reports

Why We Detained Soldier Preaching In Calabar – Army

By Musa Umar Bologi, Nation Newspaper The Army has said that it detained Lance Corporal Musa Adamu, a soldier with the Amphibious Training School, Calabar, Cross River State, for violating some provisions of the Armed Forces Act and not because he changed his faith. The Army made the clarification in a statement by the Director

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