Breaking News Podcast

#TDWAJ Episode 359 – Unleashing The Power Of Gender Equality: Uplifting The Voices Of Women And Girls To Unlock Our World’s Infinite Possibilities

TOPIC Unleashing the power of gender equality: Uplifting the voices of women and girls to unlock our world’s infinite possibilities. INTRODUCTION Repressive cultures basically refer to practices, customs, norms, and traditions that subjugate a group of people by denying them their rights. The practices have different consequences on the people with some even fatal. In

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Breaking News Opinion

Harmful Traditional Practices And Their Impact On Our Educational System BY BLESSING ISONG

Listen To The Article From time immemorial, man has always indulged in activities for different reasons. While some have been for survival, others have been for recreation, leisure, or other reasons. One thing in common remains the fact that some have been harmful. These days, most are practiced under the guise of religion, exposure, or

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