Ruminations: Manufactured Beauty BY AGBA JALINGO
In awesome wonder We often wander With flattering tenders Floundering in waters Into their undies And drift thus yonder Without our buffers.
In awesome wonder We often wander With flattering tenders Floundering in waters Into their undies And drift thus yonder Without our buffers.
As the decades roll by Memories tend to fade away Yesterday was October 19 Yet no newspaper headlines Recalled the terrorist event But, Deep down their hearts In the cozy opulence Of their “fortified” abodes Their consciences prick As the BOMB MEN Tin gods of yesteryears Await judgment day On 19 October, 32 years ago
Nigeria!!! A Land filled with milk and honey That flows to a ‘gully’ Many toiled, many spoiled For that milk and honey… Today that ‘gully’s’ got hands, Got legs, Got senses, It breeds greed and stagnates… Cries for help Cries to help All neglected The journey’s been nothing but thorny… Power is now defiant In