Breaking News Opinion

After The Deed, How Do You Sleep At Night? BY AGBA JALINGO

October 12, 1972, a chartered Uruguayan Airforce plane conveying 45 members of the Christians Club rugby team, including their friends and family members from Montevideo, Uruguay, to Santiago, Chile, for an exhibition match against the Old Boys Club, an English rugby team in Santiago, crashed into the Andes Mountains in Argentina. For 72 days, the

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Breaking News Civic Space Opinion

Call It Accountability Week… BY AGBA JALINGO

The past week has been very exhilarating for me for one major reason. How our representatives have unleashed their media aides to give an account of their various constituency interventions and projects. The week can rightly be called “accountability week” in Cross River State. Once we demanded that our representatives in the House of Reps

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Breaking News Opinion

2025: Don’t Waste Your Hope On Pallia-thieves… BY AGBA JALINGO

This is just a note of warning so you don’t get heartbroken by the turn of the year. It’s one day until Christmas, and for many families across Nigeria, what used to be a season of joyful sharing has become a season of begging, queuing for palliatives, and deaths. This new reality is assuming a

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Breaking News Opinion

Retrace For Redress… BY AGBA JALINGO

This December, the people who own the biggest mansions in our home towns and drive the most expensive cars with security convoys, will be returning back to multi billion Naira country homes they inhabit once in a year. Yes, they own the biggest mansions. They are the only ones that can burst big bundles now.

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Breaking News Opinion


A young couple married for barely 2 years, separated recently because the wife complained about the husband’s snoring. But it was more than that. She had been complaining about the snoring and asking her husband to do something about it. “Didn’t you know he snores when you were dating?” I asked her.  “I was visiting

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Breaking News Opinion

Let’s Not Die Catering For Ourselves Only… BY AGBA JALINGO

Truly speaking, in this life, some are players, some are supporters. Some are fighters, some are spectators. Some are laborers, some are executives. Some are the sacrifice, others are those who eat the sacrifice. So also should we seek to be those who will cater for others because of its inherent benefits. There is no

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Breaking News Opinion

A Prosperous Nation Is A Threat To Religious Business… BY AGBA JALINGO

One patient cured, is one customer lost for the doctor. One rich man who becomes broke, is one customer lost for the robber. One car owner who becomes car-less, is one customer lost for the mechanic. One conflict resolved without going to court, is one customer lost for the lawyer. In the same manner also,

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Breaking News Reports

Before Basic Needs Became Luxuries… BY AGBA JALINGO 

The person who built the first car surely did not have luxury in mind. The idea was to facilitate the faster movement of things and persons from place to place. To replace the use of carts and animals with a faster means of transportation. The first self propelled steam engine cart, built by Frenchman, Nicholas

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