Breaking News Opinion

Alternative Opinion… BY AGBA JALINGO

Art is better than science. Science is better than art. Democracy is better than military government. Military government is better than democracy. Christianity is better than Islam. Islam is better than Christianity. A male child is better than a female child. A female child is better than a male child. Polygamy is better than monogamy.

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Breaking News Opinion

Reverse The Supplications… BY AGBA JALINGO

Nigeria is hard! Sounds awkward in the first line of an article on a Monday morning. But that’s the smell of truth. Silver nor gold do I have to give those who are going through this hardship, but I wake up most of the time thinking about experience sharing that can give someone out there

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Breaking News Opinion

This Is Nigeria… BY AGBA JALINGO

Yes this is Nigeria! Where the AK47 Economy is booming and enjoying criminal patronage from the high and mighty. This is Nigeria, where individuals who have enough storage of arms can slice any section of Nigeria where they have numerical strength and colonize it with violence and sabotage, without letting or hindering. Yet, government will

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Breaking News Opinion

Your Village People Are Not Your Problem… BY AGBA JALINGO

Village people are still contributing money to build small bridges across communities without the help of the government. Village people are still contributing their small money to build community health centers. Village people are still contributing money and building materials to construct community schools. Village people are still contributing their pennies to build worship centers.

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Breaking News Opinion

Consider This Before You Hate… BY AGBA JALINGO

Hate is in part what keeps us going when our lives have been put on hold. Every time there are severe disruptions in our lives, the stronger the hate we have for everything around us. Hate avails a major form of catharsis for releasing, and providing relief from such repressed emotions. Hate is also an

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Breaking News Business & Economy Opinion

Grappling With Prevailing Vicissitudes Of Nigeria… BY AGBA JALINGO

It’s a Monday morning and most of us are hitting the roads again with numerous burdens in our fragile hearts. The existential challenges relating to managing our debts, school fees, paying rents, feeding families, sustaining small businesses, and how to increase household income, has bequeath aches to the carapace of our minds. And I have

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Breaking News Opinion

The Ladder Has Two Ends… BY AGBA JALINGO

Continuum in life is nature’s way of taking a huge risk and hoping it will pay off. Everything in life is a continuum. Things happen in perpetuity. Nothing in life ever really dies or comes to an end. Things only change forms. We learned that in elementary science. That matter exists in different forms. Solid,

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Breaking News Opinion

Reconciling The Opposites… BY AGBA JALINGO

When the house has people, we crave privacy but when the house is empty, we desire company. When food is cold, we request that it should be heated and when it is served, we fan it to cool. We celebrate the dead. We even borrow to contribute to their ‘befitting’ burials and travel distances to

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