Big dreams that emanates from a clear mind and heart, followed up with a lucid direction on how to go about the actualization of such dreams will always lead to huge manifestation of mind bulging infrastructural development which stunted minds can hardly fathom to be possible in this realm of existence among mortal men.
The Obudu born incumbent Governor of Cross River state, Senator Benedict Benyaushuye Ayade, of Kakum extraction is one of the few spirit sons of God sent to the continent of Africa as a black man, and to the world in the tail end of the 20th century with an unbelievable capacity to dream dreams and translate them to reality for the overall benefits of his immediate society, Cross River, Nigerian/Africa and the entire global community.
God choose to send Benedict Ayade in trailing clouds of glory, wisdom and supersonic intelligence from the regions hitherto known to us because we all came from there to our mother earth and among the people and family the world will normally refer to as common folks, about 32 years to the close of the 20th century and the ushering in of the 21st century was/is a wise purpose in the infinite mind of the Creator.
The essence of Ayade’s being at this said time lucidly indicates that God does not only have something great for the young boy of peasant parents, but also for his state, nation and the world, hence it was expedient that he be born at such time to experience a humble existence, the life of that century to prepare him adequately for the job God sent him to perform in the world in the mind-bulging terrifically digitalized 21st century, and to raise the standard of living and infrastructure of his people from incomprehensible neglect and obscurity to prominence and celestial limelight.
It is true that some of these exceptionally endowed sons and daughters of God stunning intelligent and wisdom and an immense capacity to conceive ideas to fruition had existed before now and are still existing among people of different land, clime and Isles and shall exist after now so long as the creator continue to stand and God is willing always to send down those with what it takes to tackle the problems of mankind in every society.
From the onset, Governor Ayade came to government with “I can do spirit”, churning out concepts, innovations and announcing projects and programmes that have continued to beat the imaginations of professional politicians of many decades, some fighting with their whole being to scuttle the realization of such projects, even as some of these projects are silently on going and some at the verge of completion ready for commissioning, indicating clearly that he is on a special mission from the owner of the Universe, God Almighty.
It is therefore clear to minds not beclouded and surrounded by wax of hatred that no unhallowed hands crafted out volumes of lies in the form of writing, feats that are swift to mischief, minds that daily think nothing but mischief and hatch out mischief, nor tongues which speak nothing but poison and libellous things, are collectively fatal enough to stop the divine commissioned of Governor Ben Ayade’s work from progressing until it achieves the purpose and intent for which God designed.
The Bakassi Deep Seaport and the 260 kilometres Super-High-Way, an evacuation corridor from the seaport cutting across the length and breadth of Cross River bursting to Katsina-Ala linking Northern Nigeria and providing ameliorating balm to land-locked countries of Chad and Niger Republic, are signature projects that are eternally impossible to some persons as a result of the sheer size of such endeavour to be undertaken by a state classified by these short-sighted persons as poor or those whose debased nature increases jealousy in them rather than being grateful for a leader from God with such fantastic ideas; yet the projects have come to stay.
Other projects such as the garment factory, the CalaPharm, Rice City, etc. have equally come to stay and shall be commissioned to the glory of God Almighty. Every Memorandum of Understanding signed by Governor Ayade with other local or foreign partners shall each come to realization as against the wishes of those who might have consistently hallucinated and severally had malaria induced dreams that these projects shall be a huge failure.
This is because this God sent leader of ours, Ayade appreciates the fact that the state is on its kneels in terms of liquid cash and allocation from the federation account, but he is also aware that the state is stupendously rich in terms of natural and human resources, where he has carefully mapped out plans on how he and his team can adequately task their brains to build bridges across Nigeria, Africa and the world through useful collaborations that will transform our huge natural resources to wealth which will pull cash in an unbelievable amount that the drops from the federation account would be pea nuts and insignificant. The philosophy is therefore not to tax the people but to task the brains to enrich the people.
Men of vision and extra-ordinary capacity but mere mortals conceived and brought to fruition the various beautiful and amazing super-high-ways, mind bulging bridges, sky crappers among others across the world, Ayade’s own dream and vision shall not be an exception. Again, if desert areas like Las Vergas have been transformed into a city where millions of dollars change hands on daily basis, and Dubai sand transformed into skyscrapers where most rich men in the world currently dump their cash, why would anyone think that Ayade who is presiding over a state endowed with about 28 different solid minerals, Atlantic shores/rivers/streams, mountains/hills, varied climate and weather belts and rich forest crowned with an “I can do spirit”, not be able to arrive at such a destination set out so clearly?
Why would any right thinking person deliberately work against projects as important to the economic life-line of Cross River and Nigeria as the Super-high-Way and the Bakassi Deep Seaport? Why would anybody allow him/herself to become green with envy on projects which even Mr. President, Mohammadu Buhari is passionately committed to ensure those projects completed and commissioned?
Whose interests would be served if the projects do not see the light of the day and what will be the benefit of the detractors?
Is it that the people should continue to wallow in absolute penury, be consistently marginalized in the national scheme of things, and spend hours traveling within the same state and keep losing love ones to the bad roads?
I think that it is time these group of persons who have allotted to themselves the right to tongue lash every policy of the administration of Senator Ayade to come out of their warped reasoning and confusion by differentiating between the personality, Professor Senator Ben Ayade, they personally hate from the Professor Senator Ben Ayade who is the Governor of Cross River and the policies he initiated and shall continue to initiate for the benefit of all.
As a person, if this writer was to hate Governor Ayade, his family, community, Local Government, State and even nation with passion (which of course is not in my nature or character), as a rational human being, I will still separate those mundane and barbaric feelings and attributes from his good works which are self-evident and the reality that he has proven that he possesses the totality of what it takes to govern a people by the sheer magnitude of the projects he conceived and is working to accomplish in spite of ferocious attacks/and ventilation of hate and jealousy against him, fortunately by just a negligible few.
Some have asked this writer that if he will never rest his brains from tasking it every now and then, though his media aide, to promote the so-called good works of Ayade, and my simple answer to these persons is that I will continue to task my brains more than they think about because I’m fully convinced that Ayade is on the right track and his projects will not only benefit my generation, but my children, grans-children and several generations after them.
Never have I seen a man in our locality raised from the ashes of poverty and want to stardom, yet humble in affluence, magnanimous in philanthropic acts with inexhaustible drive and capacity to dream dreams as vast as eternity itself that could within a short span of space be transformed from the celestial to the terrestrial ream like Governor Ayade of Cross River.
Ayade has indeed proven that he is and will always remain an initiator of projects and programmes that are generally referred to in latin as “Bonum Commune hominis (common good of a man) and Bonum Commune Communitatis (common good of the community).
Governor Ayade therefore deserves our respect and support, and why would I not task my brains to propagate his projects and programmes?
One thing that is certain is that the deliberate and combined machination of some persons churning out deliberate falsehood and unrefined criticisms targeted at Ayade and his projects and programmes are merely fighting a fruitless battle because they are fighting against the people hence against God.
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