Breaking News Opinion

Where Is The Cross River State Scholarship Board? BY AGBA JALINGO

“They used to be a functional Cross River State Scholarship Board. They sourced for scholarships even outside Cross River State for students. I benefited from one of those scholarships. Board members came with scholarship forms to the University. In far away Sokoto. Went from faculty to faculty… In fact department to department to get qualified

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Breaking News Opinion

Now That We Have Seen Governor Ayade’s Last Budget … BY AGBA JALINGO

Yesterday Governor Ayade presented his 2023 budget proposal to the State House of Assembly, and as usual, he gave the N330 Billion proposal, which is his last budget in office, another buzz name: Budget of “Quantum Infinitum.” For the records, let’s see the budgets from the year 2016 since Governor Ayade took over: 2016, Budget

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Breaking News Opinion

As University Students Return To Class … BY AGBA JALINGO

There is one alarm button I won’t stop pressing mainly because of the consequences of its imminent explosion. The piling number of thousands of graduating students without any skill or ability to solve any problem is something that we must not stop to talk about. While several of our country’s most disciplined pioneers and high

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Breaking News Opinion

Does Nigeria Depress You Too…BY AGBA JALINGO

There are three tiers of government – Federal, State, and LGA. There are over 40 ministries and there are hundreds of MDAs and Parastatals. We also have the security services, the military, and the paramilitary as well as the foreign service. All these structures of government were specifically created to SERVE us the citizens, diligently.

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Breaking News Opinion

As Governor Ayade Joins The Pantheon BY CHRISTIAN ITA

Governor Ben Ayade and greatness are Siamese twins. Only a surgeon with exceptional skills and expertise in delicate procedures can separate them. However, there is no need for surgery here. His story enriches our understanding of greatness.  Since national honors are truly reserved for exceptional citizens who have set themselves apart by the works of

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Breaking News Opinion

Dear Thief, Kindly Steal With A Human Face… BY AGBA JALINGO

Regardless of how scary it may sound, it is axiomatic that life was longer when it was slower, and as life gets faster with technological leaps, life will continue to get shorter. I don’t know the calendar or the lunar cycle that was in place at the time, but we are told in the Bible

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Breaking News Opinion

Wake! Let’s Reason Together…BY AGBA JALINGO 

The person that started the first school in the world, whether in a cave or under a tree, which one did he/she attend? Who taught the first person that organized the accepted alphabets in your language? The person that certified the number one degree holder in the world, which degree did he or she have?

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Breaking News Opinion

Sunday Musings: Social Media And The Resurgence Of African Spirituality…BY AGBA JALINGO

With the advent of social media, marginalized and vulnerable groups all over the world found a major and veritable channel for rediscovering their voices. From dispossessed aboriginals and indigenous peoples to LGBTQ groups to gender identity groups to racial identity groups to other persons discriminated against based on age, physical disability, language, immigration status, or

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