Bene Madunagu: A Revolutionary Departs By Kayode Komolafe
With the death of Comrade Bene a genuine revolutionary has indeed departed from our midst. May her tribe increase.
With the death of Comrade Bene a genuine revolutionary has indeed departed from our midst. May her tribe increase.
She “contributed immensely to international women’s activism on development, linking the experiences of Nigerian and African women to the broader global struggles for women’s equality and against neoliberalism.”
"She was a leading light of the Nigerian Left, participating in various efforts towards the formation of a formidable organization of socialists, Marxists, progressives, etc. as a platform to offer alternatives in the making of Nigeria.
“The mobilization of the leadership of the student unions nationwide to join our cause was easy because the couple (Bene and Eddie) had always identified with us students…Bene was the great inspiration of our efforts.”