Breaking News Civic Space Opinion

Profit, Pollution and Lies: Interrogating Shell’s Divestment Claims In The Niger Delta BY KEN HENSHAW

Just as it employs disinformation to deny oil spills and its responsibility for remediation and compensation, it is doing the same with its divestment when it blames sabotage by communities for oil spills and their failing equipment

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Breaking News Business & Economy Opinion

Are You Traveling Home This December? BY AGBA JALINGO

In 51 days from today we will be in December. We all know what happens in December. Most people want to go home to their villages and hometowns. It’s the holiday season. But if you are planning to go to the village, kindly take note of the following: So if you ask me, unless you

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Breaking News Civic Space Politics

Disability, Gender, And Education: Promoting Equity And Leadership For Nigerian Women BY CARO-ANN OGRI

It is not sufficient to simply want women with disabilities in leadership. No; it is the need for the development of an inclusive, plural, and democratic society to make this happen

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Breaking News Civic Space Politics

Building Bridges: Why We Need Feminist Policies For Nigerian Women BY NENGI DIRI

the employed male population in Nigeria was estimated at nearly 40 million, while the number of employed females was projected to be slightly lower, at around 31.3 million, even though according to Nigeria’s demographics, the country has more women than men in the working age bracket (15-65)

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Breaking News Opinion

Let’s Not Die Catering For Ourselves Only… BY AGBA JALINGO

Truly speaking, in this life, some are players, some are supporters. Some are fighters, some are spectators. Some are laborers, some are executives. Some are the sacrifice, others are those who eat the sacrifice. So also should we seek to be those who will cater for others because of its inherent benefits. There is no

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Breaking News Opinion


If you are still entangled in that hogwash about how names determine destinies and the Jabez and Jacob fable, then let us have a conversation. Bush is a shrub or clump of shrubs. But two Bushes (father and son), became Presidents of the US and their two sons became governors, and their mother became the

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Breaking News International News Opinion


Reno wants you to believe that if it were in Europe, you will part with 45% of your minimum wage of NGN70,000 to government, he is lying, period!

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Breaking News Opinion Politics

Dalung: Let’s See Your Scorecard BY JONATHAN ABANG-UGBAL

After his uneventful years, Dalung's unenviable legacy has already been settled, and his attempts to resurrect his floundering political career are his inalienable rights.

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