By CrossRiverWatch Admin

A house that is filled with deformed children is very tasking catering for.
You may never know what exactly is making them shout, cry or laugh. Even their laughter could be suspicious.
I shuddered in utter disbelief as I paced up and down, my heart beating faster than usual. Still in deep shock, I asked (to nobody in particular) “can it be true or are some state government antagonist at it again?
I wonder if what I heard was true or some political foes were again trying to discredit the effort of a hard working commissioner.
The youthful Cross River State commissioner for youths and sports development had gone to the university of calabar during the students week celebration and when he was given the platform, brazenly expressed his support for secret cultism.
Well, I understand that, he that beats the drum for the mad man to dance is no better than the mad man himself. So I wonder what is different.
It is like a woman saying she is not against having a baby but she doesn’t want to carry pregnancy for months.
Well, if the honourable commissioner (that is if there is anything honourable about him) says he is not against cultism, he is thereby implying directly that he is for cultism -in support of it.
Therefore, saying he is in support of cultism, means he is in support of rape, kidnapping, armed robbery and other sundry crimes associated with it.
It is more worrisome that such uncouth statement is coming from no less a political personage than the commissioner for youths and sports development, who many other young people look up to and see as their representative in government. ( I am not one of them)
I don’t blame the young commissioner, he is only behaving like a typical Nigerian politician.
They seem to always loose every sense of morality and good reasoning once they assume public office, only for the “spell” to vanish once they leave office. ( I mean, what do you want me to say) after all, a serving Nigerian senator recently without any shame announced to the world that having a threesome with young women in a hotel was “his private affair” – Probably his oversight function extends to that end.
If a “distinguished” senator can say that. Is it “ordinary” commissioner we should crucify? Haba!
We don’t have to crucify him for openly drumming support for secret cultism, i mean, he behaves as one.
My only worry however, is that, he has done a terrible harm that may take divinity to repair.
I will have to consult my “chi” to find out the grade of evil spirit that takes over Nigerian politicians once they assume public office.
I am eager to know if the demons are those that wear babariga – reasonable ones or those that go about naked- unreasonable ones. I suspect it should be the latter, because they are more vile.
For a state that have, for so many months been plagued with horrible effect of this social ill, the commissioner’s sin must not be forgiven by the court of public opinion.
The last three to four months has seen the state witness the deadliest cult attack and reprisal attacks ever in our history as a state.
The level of destruction of lives has been such that our people have never seen. Security reports and eye witnesses gave casualty rate at roughly 70-80 persons killed within two months. For the commissioner, maybe this must be some kind of cartoon network stunt.
Perhaps he has failed to understand, how bright and promising future of countless youths have been cut short by this devilish assemblage of no cause.
He failed to understand that cultism and social vices like armed robbery, murder, rape, kidnapping etc are closely knitted like seaman twins. One cannot do without the other.
Having failed to openly condemn secret cult activities in a community of higher learning notorious for such acts is indirectly giving credit to it.
His sin is even more unpardonable, having to choose no less a place but the hallowed platform of the citadel of higher learning which has for decades been ruined by cultism is more disturbing.
Indeed, an irreparable damage has been done to the heart of their destiny.
If this does not make the governor reflect on the caliber of his appointees then I am worried nothing else will.
This would not be the first time the commissioner would be openly declaring support for cultism.
Certainly, these are times when our founding fathers are developing insomnia in their graves.
They are loosing appetite for their daily ration in purgatory.
If the Eyo Itas, the Okoi Arikpos, Mbus etc were to think and behave this way I doubt if we would have a state we are now proud of.
If we are to go by that statement, then let us all go on and choose for ourselves one confraternity or the other and go ahead destroying ourselves and living lawlessly without recourse to civility.
The commissioner failed to understand that Nigerian security agencies does not permit the convocation of such gathering and as such their activities are illegal both before the law and the eyes of God.
That is why their activities is termed secret. They meet in secret places, at odd hours, carry out their actions secretly because of the illegality of their actions.
Anyways the commissioner had apologise via a Facebook post saying he was “drifted”
Clearly, I agree he was.
To be drifted is; a slow and gradual movement or change from one place, condition, etc., to another.
Obviously, the man while addressing the students had gradually moved or changed from one “condition” to another of which only he can tell us.
Edem Darlington is a Nigerian Journalist
he can be reached via:
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