Breaking News Opinion

How Much Money Are You Worth? BY AGBA JALINGO

The Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation NDIC has been saying that only two percent of the 70 million bank account holders in Nigeria have up to N500k in their bank deposits and that even the N500k is usually in transit. That translates to only 1.4 million people. That also means, no matter how posh or how

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Breaking News Business & Economy Opinion

You Want Money Right? Come With Me … BY AGBA JALINGO

Getting money cannot be disconnected from a skill, a product, a service or value addition. Unless you want to live on alms or charity. Even if it is inherited fortune, someone must have used a skill, sold a product or offered a service or added value, in the past, to earn that which you have

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Breaking News Civic Space Opinion

NoGoFallMaga: The Value of Your Hacked Personal Computer (PC)

Computer save become an intricate part of our lives, from desktops to laptops, one would be hard-pressed to find a home without a computing device. Despite its widespread use, most people remain oblivious of the value of a Personal Computer, especially in the control of a cybercriminal. A hacked computer can be worth a whole

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