Akpabuyo/Bakassi LGAs May Be Cut Out Of Cross River State
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Akpabuyo/Bakassi LGAs May Be Cut Out Of Cross River State

The road to Bakassi/Akpabuyo

By Edima Frank

The road to Bakassi/Akpabuyo
The road to Bakassi/Akpabuyo

Following the continuous neglect of the failed highway leading from Calabar to Akpabuyo and Bakassi LGAs in the southern part of Cross River State, these two local governments may soon be cut off from the state according to residents who spoke with CrossRiverWatch.

Since early June 2015, when the rains became incessant and worsen the situation of the road, commercial drivers and passengers have been enduring excruciating pain on the road especially along the swamp that leads to Atimbo, Calabar.

This damage reoccurs every rainy season coupled with the damage caused by heavy duty trucks plying the road day and night.

Last year, a section of the road was fixed after several protests by the indigenes. Their annoyance was that the state government has neglected the road that generates daily revenue to her account especially from Unicem, a cement factory in Akpabuyo.

The journey that should take 20 minutes now takes 3-5 hours. Some people even take the risk of trekking or using motorcycles on the highway.

Indigenes and residents who spoke with our reporter appealed passionately to the government to pay due attention to the road and help effect urgent repairs lest the two local governments may soon be cut out of Cross River state due to lack of access road.

    • 10 years ago

    Unicem is not located in Akpabuyo it is located in Akamkpa. I thought I should point that out. The trucks pass through Akpabuyo.

    • 10 years ago

    @ Ewona Araghe, what value has your comment added to the sincere plea for the government to pay attention to the already worsened condition of that highway which is generating daily revenue to the government account or you’re out on your sophistry of playing your usual tribal card? I guess you reduce your intake of that substance you’re taking to allow you think constructively.

    • 10 years ago

    please let the government do something about this road

    • 9 years ago

    God said this is our land, land in which we flourish as people… we want our cattle to get fat on our land so that our children grow up in prosperity; and we do not want the fat removed to feed other

    • 9 years ago

    whichever,the road needs urgent attention

    • 7 years ago

    Pls, state government sould do somethig about that road, not until someone die, moreover that is our state ,

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