Rubber stamp
Breaking News Opinion Politics

Cross River Assembly And Perils Of Vested Interest BY PAUL OBI

“The principles of a free constitution (democracy) are irrecoverably lost when the legislative power is nominated by the executive.”  – Edward Gibbon Time and time again, Cross River State appears to be edging towards a disturbing precipice in its governance system. For a State so endowed with superabundant natural resources, what is needed is strategic and

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Breaking News Podcast Politics

We Are Not Here To Fight The Executives, Your People Will Suffer – Speaker, Cross River State House Of Assembly

By Patrick Obia “All over the legislature they say we are rubber stamp. Most people use the rubber stamp not because they mean it, because they feel you should have your hand gloves and buttons two-four-seven fighting the executive. But when you fight the executives your people suffer, we have the money, and they have

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Breaking News Opinion Politics

Cross River In The Grip Of An Emperor, 39 Minions And 25 Rubber Stamps BY ELIAS OZIKPU

Not every Cross Riverian will agree that we have had better leaders before the Governor Ben Ayade dispensation; but most people from Cross River or who have lived in Cross River since the onset of the Fourth Republic will agree that the State has seen more visionary leadership than the joke that currently prevails. Different

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