When the general election was slated for February my heart was heavy yet light, wondering how the atmosphere will be, how the people will conduct themselves as the long awaited election falls on a very special period of love among the people – valentine day, when our election are historically accompanied by violence of all sort.
At the news of it’s postponement I asked myself what was going on, I wondered what the cause will be for the change of date when we all should have been happy that love will cloud the atmosphere and Nigeria will witness yet another free and fear election since the June 12 saga because love knows no bound and results in peace. When I heard that the postponement was as a result of the insecurity (insurgency) in the country and Jega’s in-ability to secure the distribution of the Permanent Voter’s Card, PVC I laughed.
I laughed because before now, over 4 years insurgency has been a normal part of our daily lives in some parts of Nigeria, insecurity has also been a pillow we rest our heads on, to our tent oh Israel became our blanket. I couldn’t stop laughing for the reason that deep down within me I knew something bigger than that is responsible which has not been revealed till date but soon will be known because nothing is hidden under the sun. Funny as it may sound, I strongly believed someone is afraid of losing else the election would have been conducted, its postponement some how is a blessing to many who frustration was intended for by those behind the postponement.
Like the biblical portion that says, everything works together for the good of those that believe and that every disappointment is a blessing so I strongly believe it is a blessing to the electorates to rethink on why they should vote who they desire to lead them in all public offices. In Nigeria today or before 2015 rather elections were more or less a selection process, I say before 2015 because I don’t know if the electorate will still allow same happen with the many failed politicians vying to die in office or have their friends and family take over from them.
Before now the electorate, you, yes! you the voters do sale your precious vote for peanuts that cannot create change nor improvement in you, peanuts that make you weep for four years and still make same mistake, peanuts that do not allow those you sold your mandate to perform in office, peanuts that makes you a slave to yourself, peanuts that mar you.
I see the postponement of this election as a blessing to you the voters. It is a time to reflect on the effect of our age long trade by batter system of voting where you trade your vote for one cup of garri, rice and beans, one sachet of seasoning, one yard of wrapper, salt, oil, recharge cards and all manner of petty things with no value at all. Painful as it may sound, you the electorate are the ones to loose because you alone are at the receiving end, be it sweet or bitter. Not many of you know the power you wield by that single vote.
Till now many people are still looking at this forthcoming election from the perspective of political party instead of individual. In Cross River for example if I may ask, how many of you have seen the manifesto of the various political parties seeking your mandate? I am sure if your answers are recorded only few would have and these few will be party stalwarts or friends and family.
That situation is an aberration because the manifesto is a document that contains all the political party’s pledges which should be the music of the party not smear campaigns and character assassination which are the prevailing trend.
As the rescheduled election comes by month end, we must all see this as an opportunity to decide how our lives will be run for the next four years. Let us deeply consider this election as a moment to actually consolidate on the democratic gains that the nation has made and take active part in ensuring that the election not only reflect the will of the majority of Nigerians but also that it comes and go peacefully.
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