By Ushang Ewa

Ahead of the arrival of the accreditation team, the Calabar campus of the Cross River University of Technology (CRUTECH) is currently agog with activities to ensure the minimal standards for accreditation are met despite the shortage in funding findings by CrossRiverWatch reveal.
Renovation work new is ongoing as some departments especially Virtual Arts and Technology, have directed their students to assist in menial jobs to cut down cost with some working far into the night to meet up as sources say the team is billed to arrive today, Sunday, September 27, 2015.
As at 9:00 pm local time on Thursday, a bulldozer could be seen moving refuse and earth from the academic environment into a mini evacuation vehicle and dumping the earth in an unused field opposite the residence of the institution’s Chief Librarian in the staff quarters. Also some staff and department heads as well as faculty deans were still in the institution dishing out instructions and arranging relevant files.
Further findings reveal lack of funding as the “cause for this eleventh hour preparation” says our source who fingered the state government. Another source also revealed that the budget for the exercise was put at about 250 million with expectations that the state government will provide some of the money following Governor Ayade’s acceptance to assist the institution in the exercise.
However, CrossRiverWatch gathered that the management of the school disbursed 50 thousand naira to all Heads of Departments to carry out minor renovation with the registrar, Mr. Gabriel Beshel in a circular (number 137) signed by him and titled ‘2015 NUC ACCREDITATION VISIT:- APPEAL TO STAFF TO BE AT THEIR DUTY POST”, directing all staff to be at their duty posts from Thursday, September 24, through Saturday, September 26, 2015 despite the public holidays declared by the Federal Government.
The semester examinations scheduled for both days also held with the accreditation exercise scheduled for September 27 to 31, 2015.
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