As usual, the excitement whenever the thought of a super highway that will lead me straight to northern Cross River (my favorite part of the state) sneaks to my head, I smile uncontrollably.
Myself and a lot other Cross Riverians wake and pray for the actualization of this dream. We have gone as far as dreaming of the road whose ground breaking was barely two weeks ago.
We don’t even know how long it will take but we are positive that it will come through.
Personally, I see myself taking a stroll through the highway, boasting to the world about where I’m actually from, of course the state will become so busy we will have business investors and tourists, or at least that’s what we have been told.
I plan on taking a course on Tourism to help me become an instructor, an entrepreneur and an independent youth (that’s what the new government says I should be) right?
But our biggest fear is, will we be alive to use this super highway that leaves us day dreaming?
There is a rude awakening to the fact that the only road, which we still use lay in shambles and take lives every day.
I prefer to hide in my home and avoid the road which is literally fighting with itself, this fight has gone from peaceful potholes to angry breakages, divisions and war.
The lonely path has eaten up itself so well, you can fall off if your legs are not strong.
To our dismay, the rivers beside have joined in this cheer, they come out slowly and drag road users forcing them to drink to death of their brown contents, and passers by groan in pity.
This road has resorted to taking innocent lives, but what about those whose source of livelihood depends on movement through that road?
Should there also wait till 3 to 4 years for the super highway?
You see why I say we will all die before the completion of the road?
In one way or the other for some reason, people need to use this road.
But things are running at a pace where if accidents don’t kill us, our butts will get roasted on our seats for at least eleven hours, or we will have miscarriages, or even serious migraines before we get to our destination, we will also be forced to learn annoying and senseless dance steps in a moving vehicle.
Should we endure all of these while waiting for a super highway or we should hold a peaceful meeting with this road and grant half of its desires so we can manage it till our day dream becomes reality?
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